ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜs, ᴀʀᴇ ᴡᴇ?- 𝙶𝚎𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎 𝚆𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚢

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It had been a few weeks since the breakup with George. Did it hurt? Yes, yes it did. Am I over it? Hell yeah. Are we still friends? I'd like to think so, we still talk and do "friendly" things. Before anyone asks, George is the one who broke up with me, no I don't know why, but he told me that it was for the best, so I trusted him.

"Y/n!" Professor Lupin called out to me.

"Sorry Professor, I got side tracked..." I said a little embarrassed. I don't usually drift off in class, so why was this time different?

"Apology accepted, but do try to pay attention, this is an important unit." he said with sympathy. Then walked away back to his desk, continuing his speech.

I was writing down notes, occasionally doodling, I caught George trying to get my attention a few times. Once again he was signaling me to look at him, so I did. He was doing something goofy and I started giggling. That is until I felt someone hold my hand.

I looked away from George quickly, only to see my desk mate, Blaize holding my hand looking at me. 

"You heard what the Professor said, I might as well help keep you focused," Blaize looked at me with a soft smile. He definitely took my breath away, that time. I'd never seen him smile, he honestly just usually ignored me, but now he all of the sudden holds my hand, and smiles at me?! But god that smile is beautiful. "By the way, that skirt looks good on you, love." he winked at me and returned to his note sheet, taking notes once more.

I looked down at my paper, blushing beyond imagination. My hand was shaking a little, I didn't even know it was possible for me to get this flustered.

After that I didn't look at George once. My mind was wrapped around Blaize and his words that his deep yet soft voice had said.

George's POV

I was goofing off like I always did trying to get Y/n to laugh so she would get in trouble. I saw her start to giggle when all of the sudden she turns her head away from me faster than the speed of light.

My face dropped, and turned confused. What was going on? Is that Blaize Zabini, holding Y/n's hand!? There's no way! I was starting to get a little angry but I was trying to calm myself down, that is until I saw Y/n turn her head back to her notes, her face all red and flustered. That made my blood boil, whatever he said to her made her blush so hard, I was nothing but angry and hateful. 

I tried to get her attention again, but she didn't look up or anything. I tried again, and again, then once more, but she wouldn't look up at me at all. It was almost time for class to let out, so I tried one last time and still, nothing.

Back to Y/n's POV

Class ended not even a minute ago, I packed my bag and walked out of the classroom. Once I left the classroom Blaize appeared right by my side.

"May I offer to walk you to class?" He said cheerfully. Usually George would accompany me, but he can miss out on it this once.

"Of course you can." I smiled  gripping my bag trying to keep it from slipping off my shoulder.

"Let me get that for you," Blaize said taking my bag without a response. "And I was wondering," he paused looking at the ground walking a bit slower, "I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometime?" He said with a hint of fear in his voice. 

I smiled pretty wide, he'd been so nice to be so far, I can at least go on a date with him to see what I think. "I'd love too Blaize." I said smiling wide, my cheeks tinted red.

He smiled back at me and we walked to class.


As I was getting back to the Gryffindor common room I saw a, not so happy, George sitting on the sofa.


"Don't 'Hey' me, why don't you go talk to you little boyfriend, you and that Zabini kid have a lot in common. For instance, he has bad judgment and taste in girls." George said almost yelling at me.

I couldn't believe he just said that to me. It honestly hurt, why would he say such a thing? "Uhm, need I remind you, that you too chose me! So Blaize isn't the only one, how hurtful George!" I said teary eyed, I threw my bag and robe on the couch before walking out of the common room, crying a little.

"Y/n! Wait! You know I didn't!-" I cut him off with the slam of the door. What a bastard.

George's POV

I'm a bloody idiot, who says such a thing? I smacked myself in the head after I ran after Y/n. I felt terrible, she was a sweet and kind person, you don't just say those sort of things to them. But why do I have to be so jealous?

I finally caught up to her, grabbing her hand and pulling her back. She gasped at this action, I was a little frightened about what was about to come next.

"What George!?" Y/n yelled at me. That was it, I thought she would've blown up on me. 

"Look Y/n I'm sorry, I didn't mean it at all I just got so..." I paused not wanting her to know I was jealous.

"What? 'You got so,' what?" She said confused.

"Nothing, I'm just not ready to give you up..." I said lowering my head and voice.

She raised an eyebrow than her face turned into pure shock.

"Oh my god... Your jealous!" She said without hesitation.

"What! No! That's... That's crazyyy." I said putting my hand on the back of my neck, while my other hand was still holding hers.

"Jealous, are we George? I've never seen this side of you," Y/n started laughing. I rolled my eyes at her. She started spinning in a circle walking down the hallway saying "Geaorge Weasley is jealous!" Repeatedly.

I had enough of it so I walked over to her took her waist so she would stop spinning and kissed her deeply so that she would stop talking.

It was amazing. I don't know how else to put it, she wrapped her arms around my neck. Her lips were soft and plump. It was different kissing her like this, almost reminding me of what I lost, but I hadn't truly lost her, she was always mine. 

From now on it would stay that way. I was planning to spend my life with her, but only the future could tell.

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