ᴛʜᴇ ᴍɪsᴛᴀᴋᴇ- 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚆𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚢

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I stood there... I let him yell at me, why? Well because.. Because I'd done something awful. Something no one should ever have the right to do. I cheated, after I promised and swore many times that I would never do such a sin. Well guess what, that's exactly what I did, I cheated... 

"Fred, I'm so sorry!" I yelled through his anger, tears flowing freely down my cheeks, all the way to my chin. 

"No! You don't get to say sorry Y/n, you swore you would never!" He argued.

"I know! And it was the biggest mistake of my life, I don't know why I kissed him, but Fred I still love you. I still want you!" I said trying to think of anything that wouldn't result in us breaking up. 

God what was I thinking? Kissing Blaize Zabini?! I don't even know how it happened. He practically lured me in like a starving K9, begging for a scrap of meat. Of course Fred had seen it all, turning the corner right as Blaize connected our lips. I'll never forget the look on Fred's face or the look in his eyes. It was heartbreaking, the look of utter betrayal.

"Just shut your bloody mouth, will ya!!" He shouted back at me. I flinched at his sudden action, so I did what I was told and shut my mouth quickly. "You know what, just get the hell out!" Fred turned away from me with his hands in his hair.

I walked to the door, I heard Fred's footsteps behind me as I walked out into the hall. "Oh, and in case you were too stupid to infer, but we're done!" He yelled as I turned around. Without hesitation he slammed the door in my face, leaving me alone. Leaving me guilty, regretful, and mournful.


It was the Quidditch Cup World Champion game today. Ginny had invited me, along with Hermione. Even after my screw up, Ginny gave me a chance, it took a long time but she finally forgave me even though I didn't deserve it. 

It was awkward I'll have to admit. Fred never forgave and never forgot. In fact I almost wasn't able to go with the Weasley's because Fred protested against it so much. In the end he lost the battle and I was able to tag along. It was honestly torture, every time I looked at him or accidentally made eye contact with him, I could feel the guilt and shame creeping up behind me.  I wasn't the confident person I once was, at least not in front of most people, such as the Weasley's.

After a while we made it to the port key, which was very nauseating. We met this guy named Cedric before hand, he was pretty cute, not gonna lie. But he was way out of our league. After all the walking around finding our tent and settling in, we went to go watch the game. I'm not big on Quidditch but it was a pretty good game, and I had no idea who won, or who I was routing for, yet it was still a good game.

We were back in the tent, I was watching Ron act all goofy with the twins and Harry when I heard something that sounded off. I wasn't the only one to hear it though, Arthur must have heard it too because he went outside to see what was going on. No sooner he rushed back into the tent telling us all to get out. He was yelling, pushing us out of the tent, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit scared. 

As we were ushered outside I saw fire, huge flames devouring the empty tents. I saw and heard people screaming, yelling for their lives, and then I saw masked figures, holding torches, burning everything to the ground. This only made me more scared, terrified even, I had no clue what was going on. 

All the sudden I started moving with the terrified crowd. I don't know where Ginny or Mione went but they sure as hell weren't with me anymore. The only people I could recognize were Fred and up a little further there was George. 

The crowd was moving quickly but in a wonky way. I'd almost tripped multiple times. Fred had gotten a little farther away than I would've liked. We might have broken up, and so on, but I still needed someone I knew to be with me. Then I heard Fred yell out to me.

"Y/n come on! Get to the port key!" He said looking back at me.

I started running trying to catch up to him. Until I felt something tug me back by my arm. I tried moving again but it had a tight grip.

"Fred!!" I yelled out to him seeing him almost disappear. I looked back and surely enough it was one of the masked figures holding me back. My eyes widened, now this was way too real, way too scary. "FRED! FRED!!!" I yelled out one last time, as an attempt to get his attention, and yes I got his attention.

I could see him look back at me, but it was too late. I was being dragged the complete opposite way of him. I saw his face one last time before a spell was placed upon me, so that I would go unconscious.

Fred's POV

I was running when I heard Y/n call out my name twice. I looked back to see what the matter could be. That's when I saw the mysterious figure holding her captive. She was being dragged away, she was struggling to get lose but it was no use.

I started running towards her, I saw her looking at me, and then her body went limp as they cast a spell on her or even worse... A curse. This can't be happening, I know what she did to me was wrong, but she apologized many, many times. She didn't deserve a death like this, she didn't deserve to die at all.

I shouted any spell that I could think of at the hooded figure. I finally said some spell that worked and he let go of Y/n, who was being dragged along the ground. I ran to her quickly, lifting her up from the ground. Carrying her bridal style, running as quickly as possible back to the port key. I don't know what they did to her, but the cuts alone from being dragged on the ground was enough to make her weak. 


I finally arrived at the port key, where everyone was waiting, worriedly. When they saw me, with Y/n in my arms they jumped up.

"Good God. Whatever happened to her!?" Dad said taking her from my arms. Her hair flowing gently with the wind.

"I don't know, the people got her, and they did something to her to knock her out. I had to save her obviously, but I don't know what they could've done to her!" I yelled, I was panicked a little.

Ginny rested her hand on my shoulder turning me away from Y/n as Dad and Mr. Diggory tried to help her. "She'll be alright Fred, and thank you." Ginny hugged me, almost crying if I'm not mistaken. I hugged her back spinning her a little so I could face Y/n.

Y/n was now conscious, she looked awful. Yet she turned her head making eye contact with me. Her eyes shimmering in the beautiful night sky. She smiled at me thanking me without words. I looked at her and nodded my head. This meant so many things, it meant 'your welcome, for saving your life,' but it also meant something else. It meant that I forgave her, for everything. 

I guess in the end, there is room for forgiveness.

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