Risky Behavior- George Weasley

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This has not been proof read yet, so sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Or just mistakes in general.

Life is crazy sometimes. In good ways and bad ways. Despite which way it is, you always end up in a place you'd never thought you'd be in. Hence the reason I'm at the Burrow right now. My parents had decided to have a huge vacation, just the two of them, they said they needed a "break" from us kids. Like the Weasley's my parents had decided that they wanted a big family, but only if they could support each and every child they had. A few years later they were both on the right path in life, with steady jobs that made more than enough income to support a family of seven. I say a family of seven when really we're only a family of six, I bet that's what my parents want the private vacation for. So yes, we are almost like the Weasley family, the difference is, we have a smaller family and we are more supported financially.
But that's how I wound up here, my parents sent me and my siblings away to friends or family's houses for the summer. When I mentioned that I wanted to go to the Wealseys for the summer, my parents weren't very supportive of the idea, because they don't want the Weasley's trying to find extra money to feed another mouth. But after some talking I finally convinced them to let me go, with a little bit of money for the Weasley's since they would be housing me for an entire season.
"Y/n dear, would you mind going out in the field to find Fred and George?" Molly asked me while I was cleaning up after the small lunch I had.
         "Of course Mrs. Weasley, I wouldn't mind at all," I smiled at her as I went to the front door and started putting my shoes on.
"How many times do I have to tell you that you can call me Molly?" She laughed as she went to the kitchen.
        "At least a million," I sighed out a laugh and headed out of the door. I ran to the field to find the twins, knowing them they were probably up to no good.

I was almost to the field when I heard laughter coming from the forest, I stopped and turned around only to see the two trouble makers bothering their brother Ron with their new inventions for the shop of their dreams. I started heading towards them looking at George as he smiled away with his gorgeous, smooth gingery, red hair. If it isn't already obvious I do have small, itty bitty crush one the one and only George Weasley.I don't even know how it happened. One day we were just at Hogwarts and I looked at him and all of the sudden these sparks just ignited in me during potions class. It was weird but I couldn't get rid of the feelings. The more I tried to push them away the stronger they grew, so I just accepted them and led on with life, I don't know if I'm going to tell him or not, it's just a matter of when and if the right time arises.

"Hey there Y/n/n!" Fred called out as he saw me approach them.
"Hey trouble makers," I said back, looking at them while Ron sat on the ground with wide eyes and hair sticking straight up. "What the hell did you do to him?" I laughed as a went over to Ron and helped him up.

"Well you see, we might've accidentally used one of our tiny explosion bomb things in him," George said.

"We really need to come up with a name for it," Fred said looking up at a tree branch.

"Yeah so anyways that's what happened and we might've accidentally almost broken the tree, that branch up there looks like it could give out and second and fall down on someone," George said pointing at the branch that was also a victim of their tiny bomb.

"Well then why in the actual blood he'll are we still standing under it?" I said pushing Ron away from the forest and to the house, the twins followed behind me, but before we could even make it inside Ron piped up.

"Wait! We left my coat in there, I have to go back and get it, Hermione gave it to me as a birthday present!" Ron said turning around, I grabbed his arm before he could move any farther.

"Why would you even be wearing a coat?! It's the middle of summer, temperatures get up into the 90's some days," I said looking at him with almost a judgmental look.

"Because 'Hermione gave it to him'" George retorted as he poked fun at his brother.

"Fine, fine! I will go get your precious coat while you all head back to the burrow," I said turning around and heading towards the forest.

"Y/n that's not a good idea, let me or Fred go, that branch could fall down any minute," George yelled out to me.

"Then get your arse over here and accompany me to the forest!" I shouted back. Within seconds George was by my side walking back with me while Fred and Ron headed back to the house. It was quite as we walked back, it was like this ever since my feelings came to light for him. Before I liked him we were always talking and stirring up trouble but afterwards I couldn't even bring myself to talk about something simple with him.

"So why have you been so distant lately?" George spoke as he looked over at me.

"What do you mean distant?" I looked back at him with a confused look.

"Cut the crap Y/n, you know what I mean ever since the end of the school year at Hogwarts you've been acting cold and distant, did I do something wrong? Because you never act this way with Fred, if I did something wrong I need to know so I can fix it." George said with a sad expression, I felt bad obviously, he did have a point but how could I tell him the real reason I was avoiding him?

"No George you haven't done anything wrong, it's just... It's just complicating, you wouldn't understand," I said as I walked quickly to go pick up Ron's coat. Seriously, who wears a coat when it's this hot outside? No wonder he took it off.

"Y/n look at me," George said, I stood up and turned around and he was right there in front of me. He was so close, I couldn't help but look into his eyes lovingly, he looked back at me and for I second I could've sworn I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips. But that most likely my imagination roaming free. "Y/n if you would just tell me the truth, the truth that we both know-" all of the sudden we heard something crack and then break, I looked up and saw the branch heading straight for us.

I closed my eyes scared for what might happen but then I felt someone push me out of the way. My eyes opened immediately to find George on top of me and the branch on the ground everything and everyone unharnessed, accept for the branch of course.

I looked back up at George and saw him starring at me, I wanted him so badly right now, but for some reason I still couldn't admit my feelings. "George, I-" I felt a warm pair of lips crash onto mine, I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck, are lips moved in sync and I felt nothing but relief and happiness in that moment. He pulled away and looked at me, smiling.

"Was that so hard to do?" He laughed as he got up and helped me up as well. Of course he had to ruin such a romantic moment, either way I laughed with him, he was right after all.

"No... but you know me better than anyone George Weasley, you know I would've never gathered up the courage to admit my feelings or even kiss you," I said elbowing his side. As I started walking in front of him.

He pulled me back putting his wrapping his arm around my side and walking with me back up to the burrow. We finally got back, George opened the door for me and I gave him a little peck on the cheek making him blush like crazy. We got in the nice cool house, I sighed and went to go sit on the sofa. George sat next to me putting his hand on my thigh. Inching it up higher and higher, I looked at him only to find him looking back at me smirking. Before things could go any further Ron came down the stairs and looked at us.

"Where's my bloody coat?" He asked confused. Well... That was a very good question.

"Shit, I must've dropped it when you pushed me out of the way of the falling branch," I mumbled towards George. He smiled at me and started chuckling under his breath.

"Are you serious?" Ron said sighing and going back upstairs.

"Don't worry! We're going back to get it right now!" George said hopping up with me and heading towards the door. "Maybe we'll get a little more privacy down there instead of here," he whispered into my neck.

"Would you shut it! We are going back for the coat nothing else," I laughed along with George.

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