ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ʙᴜsʏ: 𝙶𝚎𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎 𝚆𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚢

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It was another one of those days where George once again was always busy. Honestly at first I didn't mind. He would be busy but still make time for me. For us... But now, he rarely ever answers my phone calls, let alone texts. It's come to a point where I don't even feel like his girlfriend, I'm just a single, hot chick, making her way through life. Which by the way is unbelievably difficult, getting almost every guy to flirt with you, unintentionally, then telling them you have a boyfriend, even though he's never around. 

It almost seems like a loyalty test, perhaps it is. Anyways once again I'm visiting the Weasley's store, which is something I do regularly. I buy the boys lunch, and talk to Fred mostly (Fred's alive in this one,) apparently he can find more time for me then my actual boyfriend which is 'heartbreaking.' Maybe Fred should be my boyfriend. I laughed to myself at that comment, but my laugh did not go unnoticed.

"What're you laughing about?" Fred asked me, wanting to join in. 

"It's nothing, honestly, it'd probably make you uncomfortable anyways." I said turning away hoping George would ask me the same thing. Instead he was knowhere to be found. I just rolled my eyes, and turned back to Fred.

"Oh come on Y/n, you know you can tell me anything, since when have I ever felt uncomfortable about anything you said?" Fred stated, clearly being right, again. I didn't want to tell him but there was no getting out of it. Besides he knew how George treated me, in fact he would probably agree, though not mean it.

"Alright fine! I was just thinking about how George is always busy and well you know, how he never gives me any attention. Then somehow you came into the picture, you give me way more attention then George ever does, or has. So then I thought to myself 'Maybe Fred should be my boyfriend.' That's why I laughed, it was a ridiculous thought." I looked at Fred who wasn't laughing, I thought I'd messed up and shouldn't have told him. Though to my surprise, he at least smirked at the comment after a second or two.

"I bet I would be a better boyfriend, maybe we should think about that," Fred started to chuckle a little, meaning he was only joking. Besides I would never leave George for Fred, he might treat me horribly but he still does nice things every once in a while, which is all I could ask for. "But don't worry Y/n/n, I'm sure something will happen where he realizes all the mistakes he made to you."

I smiled and nodded at him. After about another half hour I left the shop knowing I had to tidy up the house for when George returned. He likes having a beer or two after work and watching a movie on the flat screen after I introduced it to him from the muggle world. I left a note for him on his desk saying the usual, 'I have to go clean the house love, I'll be sure to put a beer or two in the fridge for you, for when you get home. The TV will be up and running already set to your favorite channel. Love you! <3' I usually only said that I was going back to the house, that I would see him later, and that I loved him of course. I decided to add a little bit in there telling him about everything I did for him, maybe to make him feel I little guilty, but his reaction to the note was so much more.

I was getting home after a long walk from their store to the house. I unlocked the door and went in feeling the heavy air push my shoulders down. As if I wasn't carrying enough weight. Anyways I did what I said I was going to, I cleaned the house up, using magic at times, and my two bare hands. It was about 6 when I finished everything, George should've been back by now but sometimes (most of the time,) he stays late after they close the shop. I was used to this life, although I wish I wasn't, I sat down feeling drowsy, today was a long and stressful day. I don't know what made today in particular so stressful, but I guess it was just one of those days. I laid down on the couch closing my eyes, and soon after falling asleep quickly. 

I woke up to a rough hand shaking me gently awake. I fluttered my eyes open to see George smiling at me sweetly. I smiled back and watched him sit down and watch him play a video game. All that work of trying to find his favorite show went down the drain. Of course I've introduced George to video games but he was never really fond of it, until now I guess. I used this as an opportunity though to get his attention.

I got up from my spot on the couch and went over to George. He seemed a little focused but I didn't care. I moved his arms and sat on his lap straddling him. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck, and rested my head on the side of his. He seemed unphased, my heart was slowly sinking, I thought for sure that he couldn't ignore me now, but here he was still playing his game, acting like I was invisible. 

I gave a heavy sigh closing my eyes before opening them again. I started to get up from this position. I don't know when I'd get my boyfriends affection again but I sure as hell wasn't going to wait around for him to return the favor. As I started standing up from his lap a large hand pushed me back down again. His arms wrapped around my waist. He turned off the TV and dropped the controller on the carpeted floor. He then rested his head on my shoulder.

"Don't leave yet.." he said softly into my shoulder. I was shocked and then embraced him again letting my head lay on his shoulder. He then lifted me up, my legs still wrapped around his waist. His hands on thighs supporting me as well. 

He led us upstairs where there were multiple bunches of flowers laying everywhere. I gasped slightly slowly letting my feet fall to the ground. I turned to see many sweet treats spread across our bed. The lights were dimmed and my favorite movie was up on the TV. George came up and hugged me from behind. He kissed my neck once, softly and delicately. I was tearing up but refusing to let the tears get passed my eyes.

"I love you Y/n. I want you to know that wherever I am or how busy I may be, I never, ever, stop thinking about you, I never stop loving you. I've been so busy lately, and when I saw that note I realized how much you've done for me, and how much it's gone unnoticed. I'm so sorry Love, I hope all of this and a date tomorrow can help begin to make up lost time." He said it so sincerely, I could tell there was hurt in his voice. 

I turned around letting a couple tears rush out, I brought my hand to his neck and kissed him passionately. His arms were still around my waist, hugging me almost. It wasn't rough, it was soft and thoughtful, warm and loving. This was the affection I've waited for, for a while now. We moved in sync, we weren't enemies fighting for dominance, we were allies communicating with one another. As soon as we pulled away I let my arms envelope him in a hug. He did the same, we swayed together to no music, letting the silence fill our ears.

 We loved each other and in that moment I knew that what we had was forever.

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