ᴀɴɢᴇʟ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴡɪɴɢs: 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚆𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚢

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Fred's POV (for the whole Imagine)

Every summer... Every summer Ginny would bring her friend to come stay with us over summer break. If not, her friend Y/n, would be constantly staying the night out our house. It's so annoying, it's like living with a stranger, literally! We hardly ever see her, she's like a house elf wearing brand new clothes they had just received, which happens rarely.

Finally school's here, I never thought me of all people would say that, but after living with her for three months, I'm over it.

"You okay Freddie? Seem a little over the edge." My twin brother George asked.

"Perfectly fine Georgie! Just happy to be going back after that nightmare of a summer with Y/n." I spoke truthfully, which is something I do not do often.

"Might want to watch out, she could be lurking behind anyone, or any corner..." he made it sound spooky, which only made us laugh.


We'd finally gotten to Hogwarts after a long train ride, and dinner. We were just chillin in the common room when we see someone coming down the stairs from the girls dormitory. I sighed heavily, it was Y/n, I waited for her to speak to us, but oddly enough, she didn't. She just sat in front of the fire. I could hear her sniffing, I didn't know if she was cold or had been crying. I looked over to George to see if he knew what was up. 

He looked at me with a sad look, he could see her face from where he was sitting. I knew from that sad look that she'd been crying, maybe she still was. Then George mouthed the words "go check up on her," I shook my head quickly. It's not that I didn't want to, I just didn't want to have to here her broken voice, it just hurts sometimes. Besides, I didn't even care about her that much to 'check up on her.' George just rolled his eyes at me.

I got a little annoyed so I stood up I decided to prove him wrong. I walked over to Y/n who was still sitting there, trying to enjoy the warmth of the fire. Once she saw me coming she instantly wiped away her once fallen tears and one's that hadn't even fallen. 

"You okay?" I asked her in an awkward way. I looked to George, who mouthed the word "What!?" With a confused face. He was basically telling me I could have done better than what I just said. 

"It's nothing Fred, trust me, I know you don't want to be here talking to me, you just want to prove George wrong. So you've done that, you can leave kindly..." she sounded broken all throughout the sentences, yet she remained calm and kept a serious voice. Her overall image was just broken, but then I looked into the words she'd just said to me. How could she possible know all of that? It's like she'd known us all throughout the summers she spent with us. It's not possible though because we never hung out with her, in fact we tried to avoid her if possible. 

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned her.

"I mean you don't really care Fred... You just feel obligated to talk to me, you just want to prove George wrong because he thought you wouldn't come talk to me." I could hear her voice shaking more now, I felt awful, I didn't know how she knew that but it obviously hurt her. 

"How could you possibly know that? We don't pay much attention to you, and you do the same." I tried to talk slow and calmly, I didn't want to hurt her anymore but after the words I just said, it was too late.

"Really Fred!? No, that's not how it goes!" She spins her head towards me, her hair flipping behind her, resting on her back. "It goes, you guys don't bother to pay any attention to me, you think I'm weird and annoying, even though you've never bothered to talk to me. But I listen! I hear about everyone's problems, I don't talk I listen, I know you two because I've listened and watched you both. I know how you act! If you really want to know what's going on then fine. I'm tired, everyone comes to me to talk about their feelings, their secrets, or just to vent to me. It gets tiring, because I can't tell anybody about any of the conversations we have! And if I even slip up once! ONE time!! They can never trust me again, it breaks me Fred, breaks me! 

"And the worst part is, when I need someone to talk to, no one will listen, I can go to anybody and they won't listen to me, they won't help me through it. Apparently I'm supposed to have that 'perfect little life' that everyone wants. Well guess what!? It's not perfect! In fact it's far from perfect, but I still have to keep up that act. I'm going to ask you some questions, some very simple, and easy questions. Does pretending to be something your not, tire you? Does it make you upset? Is being there for everyone, yet no one is there for you, does that sound fair? Is keeping up an act all the time, happiness?" I looked at her puffy eyes, the tears running down her face. In that moment I knew that everything I said and thought about her was wrong.

I knew this because I can't recall one time that she wasn't helping someone, or one time she was being rude to anyone. She was an angel, a broken angel, because even angels can be broken and if that should ever happen, you know you did something wrong. I looked up at her again, I couldn't find the words to say anything to her before she spoke up again.

"That's what I thought, Fred. Don't you dare judge me before you get to know me. And for the record I always stayed at your house over the summer because my parents couldn't. They were never there for me, it's all about their stupid jobs. I was lonely, and Mrs. Weasley, your mother! Heard about it from Ginny and automatically took me in. So there you have it, a not so perfect girl pretending to be one." She smiled at me half heartedly then glared at me again getting up and starting to walk away.

I got up and went after her, I caught a glimpse of George and he was just stuck there staring at the spot we were sitting in. He heard the whole conversation, it was easy too. I could tell he felt miserable. I continued after Y/n before she could get to the stairs. Without thinking a grabbed her wrist quickly.

"Fred! What are you do-" I stopped her from speaking by wrapping her in a warm hug, not daring to let go. My arms held on tight to her, I started swaying both of us from side to side. She put her arms around me after a while. I could hear her whimpers and cries as she nuzzled her head into my chest. I put my chin on her head saying 'shhh' repeatedly, just trying to comfort her. 

After a while she stopped crying and just held me close, I did the same. I could tell she was getting tired, I looked down at her, her head still nuzzled into my chest, her arms slowly falling as her eyes shut.

I scooped her up bridal style, taking her to my dorm since I couldn't get to her's. I set her down on my bed, throwing the covers over her gently. I smiled at her, and swore to myself that from now on, I would always be there for her, so that she wouldn't feel this way anymore. I suddenly felt a wave of sleepiness wash over me. So I kicked Lee off his bed making him sleep on the floor. I didn't want to steal George's because, well he didn't deserve it as much as Lee did.

***Day Before Summer Break***

"You'll come and stay with us right, love?" I looked at Y/n holding her hand as we got off the train and went to my mom.

"Not if you keep calling me 'love,' you know I'm your-" 

"Angel! I know your my Angel," I smiled at her and pecked her lips. After that night at Hogwarts I'd gotten to know Y/n way more. I discovered I was awfully wrong about her. I felt like a bloody idiot treating her the way I did. After a while I developed feelings and finally asked her out, well at tried to ask her out but I chickened out. She noticed and asked me instead, fun times. "Now will you come and stay with us?" I added on after correcting myself. Her favorite name that I called her was Angel, and wouldn't accept any other name.

"Of course Freddie, I'll pack up my bags and meet you in Diagon Ally, okay?" She spoke softly and sweetly to me. I smiled and swooned after she called me 'Freddie.'

"Alright, Love" I started running as she started chasing me.

"Fred Weasley! Get back here right now!" I heard her laugh as she chased me.

She was truly a gift sent from heaven, an Angel Without Wings~

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