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It was almost time for the match to begin. Oliver was going over the game plan to beat Slytherin, again. He wasn't going to let them win again because of their cheating.

"Fred, George, do what ever it takes to get the ball to Y/n, knock someone out of the sky for all I care. Just make sure she either gets the ball or it remains in her grasp." Oliver was serious about this, he was done losing to Slytherin. He also did love me being a chaser, apparently I was 'one of the best things that happened to this team, asides from Potter.' He was right I was one of the best chasers in this school, any house would give anything to have me on their team.

"Y/l/n, don't let me down, we can win this if we try our best.." I looked at Oliver with a grin, I was ready, I wasn't going to let him down, not now. I look over to George who's looking at me, he gives me a wink and mouths the words 'good luck.' I nod to him also wishing him good luck, me and George had this thing for each other but neither one of us took another step beyond friendship. I was okay with it though, there would be a right time some day.

We all headed out of the tent getting ready on our brooms, Oliver looks at me, "Don't you dare get hurt Y/n your one of our best players, we can't lose you for the next couple of games." He looked deep into my eyes seriously, I understood, losing me would be the end of Gryffindor's quidditch season.

"Don't jinx it Ollie, don't worry I'll be okay, I have Fred and George to protect me." I stared at him blankly before looking back to the field. I saw Slytherin enter the field while Lee announced it, everyone in Slytherin went wild. I mounted my broom waiting for Oliver to take the lead.

"And hear comes Gryffindor!" Oliver took off and everyone soon followed his action. We all took our positions, I saw Harry at the very top face to face with Draco getting ready to find the snitch.

3... 2... 1... The Quaffle was released, I swooped in and grabbed it, avoiding the Slytherin team as best as I could. I raced to the hoops and threw the Quaffle in the top hoop before their keeper could hit it back. I turn around heading back into the playing field as Lee announced my score. Fred and George were doing very good as well, they kept the Slytherin's away from me as instructed. I cut off one of their teams chasers while Angelina shoots for the hoops with the bludger. Unfortunately it was hit away by the keeper. I look up and see the Quaffle in the air, I immediately go for it grabbing it out of the air before anyone else can. All the sudden I see one of the bludgers chasing after Harry. I start looking for Fred and George, I finally find them as I'm racing on my broom trying to avoid the Slytherin's.

"Guys go help Harry! I'll be fine trust me!" I tell them sternly it's hard for them not to listen to me. They question my words, I glare at them giving them a warning. Without one more questioning look they go after Harry to help him in anyway possible.

I have the Quaffle in my arm and I'm getting close to the hoops about to score another point. I'm about to throw the ball when two of their Slytherin chasers come close to me on either side. They start closing in so I dip down to avoid them, I see the bludger start heading for them as they duck down avoiding it. I go up again trying to avoid the bludger that is now coming towards me. I see the twins racing towards me, I keep trying to out I run it.

My broom stops, it won't move anymore I'm stuck there trying to move it. I see the bludger coming straight for me.

"Y/n!" I hear George call out my name, I'm trying to move but it still won't work I look at him worried when all the sudden I'm hit off my broom with a great force. I drop the Quaffle from my hand, I look at my broom which is still not moving. I close my eyes quickly feeling pain rush throughout my body.

George's POV

I'm looking at Y/n who looks back at me worried. Someone was tampering with her broom, I'm racing towards her trying to help her, when I see her get hit off her broom by the bludger. I watch her start falling letting go of the Quaffle, her eyes were closed. That nasty thing knocked her out! I race down trying to catch her before she hit the ground. I see Fred right next to me also trying to save her. But it was too late, we were to late, we didn't react soon enough. She hit the ground hard landing on the grass. I arrive on the ground dismounting my broom rushing over to her. I look up at Fred who's looking at Oliver. Oliver signals the coach for a time out, she nods and Lee calls a time out.

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