ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʙᴇ ᴀғʀᴀɪᴅ- 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚆𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚢

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Out of all the Hogwarts teachers I've ever had Professor Lupin is my favorite, by far. He was always teaching me new spells and more. I was one of his favorite students, I was always asking for help if I didn't understand something and I never gave up. 

Here we were in class. Professor Lupin was teaching us about Boggarts, I knew exactly what they were. Those nasty little shapeshifters, they transform into your greatest fear. I know that if I was to ever encounter one I'd be screwed. It's happened before, I found a Boggart and when it transformed I was frozen in time, I couldn't move or anything. In fact I almost passed out, I don't why, but seeing my greatest fear does something different to me than almost anybody else.

While I was in deep thought I felt someone wrap their arms around me. It startled me a bit, but not that much because I knew exactly who it was.

"Fred what are you doing?" I giggled as my hand went back to stroke his soft, vibrant red hair. 

"Oh you know, just catching up with the girlfriend," he said with a smile, even though I couldn't see his face, I knew he had a smile on it. "So, you ready for the little challenge Professor Lupin has set up?" Fred said kissing my cheek.

What challenge? Did I not hear something, it must have been while I was deep in thought. "What challenge? I didn't know there was a challenge?!" I said freaking out a bit. 

"Calm down love, all we have to do is just take down a Boggart. Y'know? With the spell we've been practicing for weeks, 'Riddikulus.'" He said smoothly, as if nothing could go wrong.

I, on the other hand was freaking out. As soon as I heard him say that my face dropped, I started trembling, I was scared for my life! I couldn't do it once, I certainly still can't do it! Face my worst fear, he must be out of his mind! 

I took some deep breaths to calm down, I needed to stay focused, and if possible, avoid facing the Boggart.

"Everyone form a line!" I hear Professor Lupin call out. As soon as I hear this I freeze for a moment. Then I turn around only to see everyone else behind me. My breath starts to get heavier, and I start shaking more and more. I can't do this, I can't and I won't.

"Fred! You go! Go ahead of me, will ya?" I say whisper yelling, as I try to push him to the front.

"Woah, woah Babe, calm down. It'll be alright, I'm right here," Fred said, pushing me back to the front.

I know exactly what it will be, the thing that killed my parents. The thing that left me traumatized since age nine. Fred and only Fred knows what really happened to my parents, but he does not know that a Death Eater is my worst fear, he knows how much it affects me. 

I see Lupin cast a spell on the door handle. Then I see the door handle quickly twist, and the door swing open. At first I see darkness, and then... Then I see it... A fucking Death Eater. I try with all my might to raise my wand at it, but my arm doesn't move, my mouth doesn't move. Nothing does, I can feel my mouth and throat getting dry, my hands getting sweaty, and my body shaking like crazy. I can't move. I'm trapped...

Fred's POV

When I see the door open,  my eyes get wider. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was a Death Eater, not just any, but the one that killed Y/n's parents. The one that almost killed her! 

Right as I saw it I knew that Y/n couldn't handle it. I looked at her only to see her shaking, and not moving at all, her wand isn't up at the ready. Her mouth won't move. All I could see were her scared and terrified eyes. 

It comes closer and closer to her. I try shaking her, but she won't move.

"Y/n! Y/n! Listen to me, you can do this!" I try yelling to her but nothing works. So I do the only thing I could do. "Riddikulus!" I yell pointing my wand at the Boggart.

Soon enough, it turns into a black mist, creating fireworks. I look back towards Y/n, and she starts to fall. Without hesitation I catch her immediately, but thankfully she was still conscious.

Y/n's POV 

"Y/n! Y/n! Love are you okay?!" Fred says to me as he slowly kneels to the ground, allowing me to sit down on the floor in his arms.

"I-I'm fine, I just couldn't do it, not after everything that has happened," I said still a little shaky.

"Well don't be afraid, I will always be here to protect you against anything. Even the Death Eater(s)," Fred said so compassionately. 

I turned around and hugged him tightly. No one had ever said anything of the sort to me, ever. To know that Fred would always be there for me, is a feeling that will never wash away. I know now that I am one lucky girl.

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