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Hey guys, I want to start off by apologizing for not continuing this little short story book. I'm just not finding anything to write about anymore, I have so many ideas but I lack the motivation. I really do enjoy writing these stories and I've grown so much since writing the last story. So for the sake of you all, I will try to continue but only if you help me. If some of y'all could just message me directly and share some description of a short story you want me to write, then it might help me over come this 'lack of motivation.' Also I've seen that some of you guys want me to write a part 3 to "You Broke Me First" and I will gladly do that. I'm also here to promote a new book that I'm writing called "To Chase A Dream" it's also a Hogwarts fantasy story. But this time it's an actual book, so if your interested please feel free to take a look at it. With all that said I just want to say that I will be out most of June due to vacations and other things related. This next week I will be gone for sure but I will try my best to start writing when I get back. Thank y'all so much for this. :)

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