You Broke Up With Me! Pt. 3

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Y/n's POV

I woke up to the sunlight beaming down on my face. I looked around wondering how I got back into my home. I looked at my night stand and saw gifts and a note just sitting there. I was shocked when I saw that it was George's hand writing on the front. It said To Y/n. So I took the card quickly and opened it up to read what it said.

Dear Y/n,
I never knew how much I meant to you. Which was my problem, I never knew no matter how much you showed me.  I was blinded and distracted, especially with the war, but I'm not using that as an excuse. I was just scared I would lose you in any way imaginable, so I got rid of you before you could get rid of me. Only now am I realizing how much of a mistake that was.
I'm sorry, and I know sorry doesn't cut it right now but I still love you, always have. I didn't want to love you so badly that I tried convincing myself that I hated you. The more I tried the stronger my love grew, so I had to stay away from you. I was stupid, idiotic and right now I'm guilty of giving up something that was so precious and pure to me. Something that I might never get back.

I'm sorry...
-George Weasley

There were no words for how I was feeling. At least now I had all the pieces to the puzzle I could never finish or even put together. Did I love him? Yes. But could I just forgive him and rush right back into his arms? No. So I guess it is time that will help me. As the saying goes 'Only time can tell.'


It's been a few months sense the fight with me and George and then waking up to the note he had wrote. All I can say is it's been going smooth me and George talked about it and both agreed that we need a little time to think things over, given all this new information. About a month later I met this other guy, who happens to be a muggle. We kicked off pretty strongly and we've been talking for about two months. Of course George knows about this, at first he was upset and jealous but now I just think he's happy to see me moving on. That's what he's always wanted for me, of course it had to happen now. But I'm happy, especially with Adam, he's been there for me every step of the way. He doesn't know anything about the wizarding world but if he's the one for me then of course he'll find out. With how far I've made it with Adam I've been thinking maybe it's best if me and George just remain friends. I did love George but it feels different after what happened, and with Adam, there's this feeling in me that makes me so happy and look at him the way I've never looked at anyone before. Who know's what this feeling is, but I'm hoping it'll never go away any time soon.

"Hey there gorgeous," Adam walks up behind putting his hands on my shoulders.

"God! Adam what the hell? You scared me, what are you doing here?" I asked questionably. I was sitting on a park bench where the muggles go for walks and play with their dogs and stuff like that.

"Well I do go on walks alone, you know," He said chuckling to himself. He was the one to show me this park and walk with me to it every time we hung out.

"You're a brat!" I said knocking him up right in the head.

"And you're beautiful," he said sitting down with me. I looked at him and saw that he looked a little nervous. I was confused when I saw this. Due to the past I'm now thinking of all the worst case scenario's that could happen from here.

"Are you alright? You seem nervous, is it me? Because I can change whatever I'm doing wrong, I- I just don't want these two months to go to waste-" I cut myself off as he looked at me, that look... I've seen it before, I just can't tell if it was good or bad.

"Y/n, calm down," he said taking both my hands in his. "You're doing nothing wrong and these two months are for sure not going to waste, I won't let them. And you should never have to change for anyone especially me," he said looking me in the eyes. I was relieved but still nervous because I was confused about what was going on.

"Then what is it?" I asked him looking down for a second to gather my thoughts and calm myself.

"Well... I guess there's no other place to start. Y/n these past two months have been amazing with you here in them. I feel like we've connected on a whole new different level. You know what I mean?" He looked at me and I realized he was asking me a question.

"Oh! Yes I feel that too..." I said looking at him tentatively.

"Good, I guess that leaves only one question left," and that's when I knew what he was nervous about. I couldn't be more happy and overwhelmed.


I ran over to George once I entered their shop. I was scared but excited to tell him what just happened. We've been really good friends so far and I hope this me and Adam thing won't break us apart. If it does then I'll have my answer for if he really cares about me or just wants to get back together. Which either way he does care about me but if he really cares he'd want what's best for me and I have a feeling he know's that it's Adam.

"George! Oh my god! George! You won't believe what just happened!" I ran up to him. He turned around smiling at me. But when he took a good look at my face his smile dropped. Which tells me he knows what just happened by the joy of my smile and love in my eyes.

"He asked you to be his girlfriend didn't he?" George said trying to smile at me, but it just looked like he was sad about the whole thing no matter how hard he tried to not show it.

"Yeah... I'm sorry George, I do love you but not in the same way I used to. We can still be friends, right?" I said looking up at him expecting the worst.

"Of course we can still be friends, I'm not gonna lose you again that easily. I'm happy for you,really. You deserve the best.But if he hurts you I will hurt him, capeesh?" He said smiling at me bringing me in for a hug. "I'll wait for you if I have to," he said to me kissing the top of my head.

In that moment I didn't know what my future would be, I was hoping it was with Adam but if it wasn't, then would it be with George?

Part 4 the finale, is coming soon! So don't lose hope in thinking this is the last part.

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