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Kallie Jones, the girl who would be described as the most adventurous. It may sound a bit cliché but she thought that she wasn't afraid of anything, which was true.

As a child she knew she was different. Wherever she looked she couldn't see the other kids being able to shoot fire out their hands or grow trees and flowers within seconds, it was just her.

But until she met the Sparrow Academy face to face she knew things were going to change for her. Her and her brother's life long dream was to be apart of their team, but since they was never adopted by Reginald Hargreeves himself it unfortunately never happened, which made Kallie wonder. What was wrong with her?

However, when they first met her everyone was confused. "Why is there a random fifteen year old on our doorstep?"

The kids of the Sparrow Academy were around the age of 20 when they first discovered Kallie, however she was still in the body of her 15 year old self despite herself also being around 20 but mentally of course.

It took here a while to tell her story why she was the way she is but afterwards she was welcomed into their Academy like she was their own, even though they didn't understand her story. Some of the siblings didn't like her at first but thankfully they all got along nicely after a couple of months.

She just wished that her brother was there to see it.

Kallie loved to show off her abilities, train with the others and get stronger. So of course she was deemed the lost adventurous.

When she spotted her face in a large billboard for the first time, she then realised that maybe she was a bit special after all.


"Focus Kallie! If you cannot feel the flame in your blood then you cannot produce it." Pogo, the chimpanzee who trained then exclaimed, walking around her slowly with his stick.

Kallie was attempting to create a simple fireball in her hand, a few months after settling into the Academy. Her arm was outstretched with her hand laid out flat but firm.

She breathed slower before trying again, but still no luck.

"Listen to your senses, let them guide you. Do you hear and feel the wind around you, or the flame sizzling? Try again." He quizzed and urged her on to make another attempt.

She took a deep breath and focused on her surroundings. The birds. Wind. Ground. Smell of the trees. Taste of the fresh air. Feeling of the heat travelling through her veins. Until it spewed out the palm of her hand.

Kallie opened her tight eyes, witnessing the glowing ball of fire that was calmly trickling above her palm. She let out an airy chuckle and looked towards Pogo who had a small grin.

"Don't lose concentration, keep it steady."

She wiggled her fingers and watched it spilt, travelling to the tips of them until her fingers also felt warmer. Kallie guided her other hand up and allowed the flame to travel onto it, letting it move freely as she kept her eyes glued to it so she wouldn't lose focus.

"Bravo, Kal." A familiar voice from behind her trailed. Kallie heard the footsteps move towards her and also a crow rustling in the tree nearby. "You did it."

Kallie looked beside her as she felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked up and was surprised to see Fei praising her. "Thanks...Fei." She could see her reflection off the pointed glasses Fei wore, but feel the staring eyes of the crow behind her until it flapped its wings and flew into Fei's shoulder.

"It's time to come inside, Grace laid out dinner." Fei added calmly. Kallie felt surprised everytine she heard Fei's kind voice. She noticed how she could sometimes be stubborn or even a bit snarky with the rest of the group, but with Kallie she was thankfully sweet.

Although Kallie never complained, she was happy to say that they were friends.

Marcus was nice but she never really saw him as much since he was always so focused on training. He loves to take the whole 'Number One' title to heart which made him act  a bit over-the-top on missions.

She also found Ben a bit cocky after the whole 'Who is the best Number One' phase he was in, making him more agitated than ever around her and the others. Kallie and Ben didn't get on much, she could tell he wasn't fond of her mostly because she looked like a child.

Alphonso gave her the creeps a bit but he gave her a simple wave when they crossed paths. Although she found his abilities cool despite barely seeing them.

Sloane was sweet but kept to herself at times, her voice was fairly higher than the rest of the groups which showed off her lovely persona.

Jayme was very chill, a bit too chill at times, which made Kallie agree that she was too lazy for her liking. However Jayme was the type of girl to buy you ice-cream and other shit when you're feeling crap.

And Christopher was a cube that spoke a weird language Kallie couldn't fluently understand at times.

But overall they were all forced to work together, after all they thought Kallie as family. And at the Sparrow Academy, every stuck together.

Like mentioned before, Kallie just wished that her brother was there with her. Maybe then he could've felt special too.

She was close with her brother, but she still wished she could've been around him more before he disappeared.

Until one certain day the Sparrow Academy found a different group of people who randomly appeared in the middle of their living room.


hey guys! how was the first chapter/intro?

what is everyone's fav show at the moment, im trying to find new things to watch?

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