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Season 3, Episode 5 and 6

By the time Kallie had finished her story, her eyes were glossy, cheeks trailed with tears, hands were shaking in Five's who patiently listened to her.

"Then she kicked me out...I ended up finding the Sparrows a while after being on the streets. That was another hard time, but I managed. Found a couple of groups to stay with, traveled here and there. When the Sparrows found out about my abilities they wanted to train me and try to find out why I hadn't aged which I noticed when I was on the streets. I figured it was because of the blast, Kayden could control the flow of time." She sniffed and wiped her eyes. "It makes sense since he was all about time and everything...kinda like you. I guess he stopped my body's clock permanently instead of slowly."

"I'm sorry you had to go through with that." Five spoke soothingly, rubbing his thumb on the back of her hand. "But you're okay now, you're with us. With me." Kallie gave a small but sad smile, trying her best to hold back more tears.

"C'mere." Five muttered, holding her back and placing his hand on the back of her head to bring her in closer. Kallie tucked her head in the crook of his neck, wrapping her arms around in and holding him in a deep hug and she sobs were muffled. "Everything will be okay, love. I promise."

"Thank you. You really are a good listener y'know." Kallie told him with the best chuckle she could produce at that moment, then pulling back but still holding his hand and fiddling with the end of his suit.

"You can tell me anything. We do have four days until the end of the world, so why not?" He replied with a smile and she wiped her eyes once more before holding his hand. "And one more thing."


"Could you not burn my suit next time?" He joked and lifted up his sleeve, showing where she had burnt through slightly but it was easy it hide.

She ended up laughing and covering her face in embarrassment. "Sorry, force of habit. I'll get you a new one."

"Don't worry about it."

"But who cares? You still look good in a suit."

As they both chuckled, a pair of footsteps was heard walking past. Kallie turned her head to see Viktor, but without Harlan like he said, so she nodded at Five to look.

"Hey. It's time." Five announced and walked over to Viktor alongside Luther and Kallie.

Viktor looked startled at first, flicking his eyes between the three figures. "He's gone."

"What?!" Kallie widened her eyes.

"You let him go, didn't you?" Luther asked quietly.

"Harlan's death is not gonna stop the Kugelblitz. It's just gonna be another tradgey on a tradgey...and we can find another...I will find another way!" Viktor explained quickly. Five shook his head in disbelief and leaned against the wall.

"Well, congratulations, Viktor." Luther scoffed. "You managed to destroy everything. Again." He opened his arms widely before walking off.

Kallie looked down to the floor whilst Five looked behind him at Viktor, "I really though you were smarter than that."

Viktor looked at them one last time before walking off. Klaus jumped off the bar behind them both with a huff and clap. "Well, that went great!" He sarcastically said, sitting on the stool and grabbed a bottle of vodka with a strain.

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