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Season 3, Episode 3 and 4

All three of them left the shower room with the briefcases in hand, but only to be met with Diego and his crazy son.

"What were you two doing in there?" Diego asked looking between Five and Kallie.

"Bathing." Lilia answered.


"Oh I wish." Kallie chuckled before walking off with Five who seemed annoyed at Diego's disruptions. "Oh Diego, I don't have time for this. Kallie, Lila and I have important shit to do." Five also added as they waked to the loft.

His face scrunched up in response at first. "Why are you bringing her with you, she's basically the enemy so we need her here." Diego pointed at Kallie and tried to grasp her arm.

"No you don't." Five stated after pushing his hand off Kallie. "I do."

"If I'm the enemy then why bring me here in the first place?" Kallie huffed before crossing her arms. "Leverage." She then mocked with a deeper voice.

"I like this girl." Lila nodded at her with a sly grin, jogging beside her and leaving Diego.

"Well what's more important than family?" Diego asked Five after properly catching up to them.

"End of the world, genius." He placed the briefcases down and waited for the lift next to Kallie, whilst both listening to the small lovers quarrel Lila and Diego were having. They both entered the lift and waited for Lila.

"They have history?" Kallie pointed between the two raging adults.

"Yeah, apparently they have a spawn now." Five replied.

"More like the spawn of Satan, little shit knocked me out clean." Kallie gestured towards him with a hidden glare before she heard Five chuckle. "It's not funny!"

"How can that knock you out?" Five asked.

"I was caught off guard!"

"Of course."

"I was, honest!"

"Alright love birds, enough with the squabbling." Lila interrupted and entered next to Kallie, pushing her into Five as if it was in purpose to get then closer but they couldn't tell. Their hands softly brushed against each other but none of them moved.

Lilia said a couple more things to Diego before the doors closed.


After Five and Lila got changed they decided to go to a storage room where the power box was to hopefully restart the case. Kallie waited outside and sat up on a cabinet, hearing their conversation from outside.

She heard them getting the power clips on before turning up the electrics, Kallie heard Five being shocked by the pain. Lila laughed whilst the light started to shine from the outlines of the door.

Lila opened the door and continued to laugh, Kallie joined in once she saw the state of Five.

"I was 99% sure that wouldn't work." Lila chuckled and sat up next to Kallie.

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