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Season 3, Episode 4 and 5

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Season 3, Episode 4 and 5

"Operations Bunker." Lila admired as they walked through the new hallway. Kallie was skimming through the pages of the book to at least have some idea of what was this random place she was in.

Kallie glanced over the top of her book, Lila was staring into a blue light which scanned her eye but then an alarm buzzed and a female voice bellowed, "Unauthorised access."

"Shit." Five muttered and rubbing his neck. Kallie looked up at him in concern to see him sweating and on edge.

"Jesus. You're sweating like a dodgy shrimp on ice, what's wrong?" Lila asked.

"Are you feeling okay?" Kallie questioned worriedly, walking up to him and feeling his forehand. Then he kindly let out more gas. "That's just lovely."

He insisted he was fine and then walked up to the door, allowing the machine to scan his eye. Then the familiar female voice bellowed, "Access granted."

"I guess you're essential personnel."

The large door opened with a rustling sound and showed a large white room, blinding lights on the ceiling and a long table at the end which looked like it had someone in it.

Lila walked in first and Kallie went in behind her, both of them walking over to the strange box. To Kallie's surprise she saw an old person inside with raspy breathing however all of his body, apart from his head, was in the clear box.

"There he is. The founder." Five admired, taking the book from Kallie and placing it on a table.

"Looks like tinned beef. I was expecting more man and less..." Lila slammed on the metal case. "...can."

"Is he naked?" Kallie questioned, not being able to get a good look as she was stuck between the other two.

Five walked up to the man in the case slowly. "It can't be..."

"What is it?" Kallie muttered as Lila looked at him strangely as well.

He took a sigh. "It's me."

Lila started bursting out into laughter. "No way! This whole time you've been complaining about the Commission, and you're the one who founded. Classic." Lila then looked at Kallie and started laughing again. "You asked if he was naked!" She pointed at Five.

"If I did, I have no memory of it."

"So, here I think you were a maverick, but you're a company man, down to the bone. I mean you," She started to laugh again and gesture to the room around, "can literally not breath without this place."

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