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Season 3, Episode 2 and 3

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Season 3, Episode 2 and 3

"He's cramping my style! How am I meant to react to danger on a moments notice?" Diego exclaimed with a click of his fingers. "How am I to do that when I'm playing wet nurse to a 12-year-old?"

Diego, Allison and Viktor were sitting around a booth. Diego was drowning on about Stanley, whilst Allison was soaking up all her feelings with booze and Viktor was...being Viktor. Or at least that's what Kallie could make out, she learnt some of their names and what they were talking about when she came around.

She groaned slightly as her head was resting on a table at a bar area, but didn't move so she couldn't attract unwanted attention.

"You're his dad!" Viktor exclaimed.

"Alleged dad." Diego simply replied.

"Well, at least you have a kid." Allison placed her empty glass on the table before leaving.

"Also, wanna explain why you brought her here?" Viktor asked and gestured to the 'asleep' Kallie at the bar. "How did you bring her here?"

"She was at the store, figured we'd at least have some sort of eye from the inside, right?" Diego explained.

"She's a kid!"

"And now she's leverage!"

Kallie chuckled at the bickering and finally raised her head, although she died down when she heard Allison stomp over asking for another drink before leaving to go to the other side.

Then another figure walked over, she recognised the footsteps as Viktor, the friendly one.

"Enjoying yourself?" Kallie asked sarcastically.

"Sure kid." Viktor chuckled nervously. "Are you feeling okay, Diego hit you pretty hard I think."

"Yeah but, y''s really funny how you guys think I'm a kid, honestly, it's amusing." Kallie giggled as she rested her head on her hand and looked up at Viktor

"Sorry what? What do you mean you're not a kid?"

"Trust me, I know it sounds weird.'s a long story, even longer including my dumbass brother"

"There's enough time. You have a brother?" Viktor shrugged.

"Don't let me bore you. I'm literally 30." Kallie whispered. "I had a brother, he was a few years older than me but...that's the past. And I can't even have a decent drink around here because people think I'm underaged."

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