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She somehow stepped out of the lift into the dark night. Though, everything seemed...normal. Despite the statue of Reginald's head on some stone, of course. They were in a small square garden, plants, bushes, trees and square pillars surrounding them. But where was the hotel? In fact, where the hell are they anyway?

"I swear we just died like...a minute ago." Kallie muttered as her eyes were trained on Reginald's staue, until another person stepped beside her. She looked up and saw that it was Five, with his normal look and thankfully no grey skin like a walking corpse. "Thank god you're okay." She engulfed him into a large hug, resting her head in the crook of his neck.

He chuckled slightly and wrapped his arms around her too, kissing the top of her head. "I'm alright. But hey, you're collarbone is alright now." He briefly brushed the top of her shirt out the way, tracing his fingers over the scar it made. It was light and thankfully not noticeable unless you're close up.

"At least I have a cool scar, I guess?" She replied teasingly, lifting her fingers to her cheek and outlining the dip that has been made from when the Guardian also slice her cheek. "More to add to the pile."


They both turned around to see Luther stepping out the lift, but he looked different in Kallie's eyes. He was stood with a surprised face, lifting up his hands as if he was checking he was really there too.

"You guys can see me?" He asked with wide eyes, pointing at himself. Viktor looked at him with glee and quick nods, before jumping up into his arms and giving his brother a tight hug.

"Luther's alive!" Klaus cheered and clapped with everyone else's smiling faces.

"Did you shrink?" Kallie tilted her head and squinted her eyes. His frame wasn't as large. "Or am I blind now?"

Luther looked down and pressed his stomach. "Whoa! Holy shit, my body." He started to admire his arms. "I look amazing."

Klaus chuckled. "Luther's all svelte now."

"Wait guys." Kallie spoke up, catching everyone's attention again. "Where the hell is Sloane?"

"Yeah, where's my wife?" Luther perked up and looked around. Kallie also looked around with a hint of worry. Where was her sister?

"When Allison hit the button?" Lila pointed out.

"But she was fine- and where the hell is Allison?" Kallie listed off frantically, nearly spinning around in circles at this point.

"She's gone too."

"Does anyone know where the hell we are?" Ben asked grumpily, again.

"The hotel. Or at least this is where it used to be." Lila shrugged as she admired the place.

"I think the old man did it. He reset the universe." Five nodded to himself, wrapping an arm around Kallie's waist.

"Sloane! Sloane!" Luther yelled before he spun and marched over to Five. "Excuse me." He carefully nudged Kallie away, who chuckled and reluctantly moved. "I want my wife back. Where is she, Five?"

"I'm glad you're alive but take your hand off me." Five smiled as Luther had a grip on his collar.

Luther then dragged him closer. "Not until you give me an answer."

"Okay, screw this." Five rolled his eyes and attempted to thrash forward despite his brother's grip. When he didn't move he looked confused. "Something's wrong."

"That's right. You're about to get your ass kicked."

"No you moron, my power. I can't blink"

Diego scoffed before taking his knife out and twiddling it between his fingers, but then he dropped it. "That's not good."

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