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Season 3, Episode 8

Kallie had her head rested against a table tiredly. The voices of Ben and Diego bickering, Luther and Sloane chatting quietly and the deep huffs of Viktor from his sulking about being in the same room as Allison really made her want to smash her head on the table. Until she had enough.

"Christ! Shut up!" Kallie yelled, lifting her head up from her hands to see Diego and Ben stood there staring.

"Thank you, Kallie." Five nodded at her gratefully, after his many attempts to try and quieten them down. "The universe is disappearing outside. So you can keep rearranging the deck chairs of the Titanic if it makes you feel better. But the fact remains that we are too late."

Diego and Ben scoffed and they walked away from each other.

"Five, come on." Luther groaned.

"What have we got to lose exactly? Can't we just die whilst getting shitfaced?" Kallie asked and rubbed her eyes.

"It's over. We failed." Five admitted.

"Hang on, it can't be over over." Viktor spoke up.

"Yeah, come on, Five. We gotta figure this out, man." Diego also urged him.

"What have we achieved whilst trying to figure this out, apart from making things worse?" Kallie asked, the whole room went silent.

"Well, we made some friends along the way." Luther spoke up and patted Sloane's hand.

"Well-" Kallie was about to agree and look at Five but he interrupted them.

"Incorrect! You know what we've done?" He asked and pointed a finger at them. "Nothing. We made things worse every single time." He let out a short sigh before continuing. "Look, when I went to the Commission, I had a conversation with my 100-year old self. And my last words were, 'Don't save the world.'"

"That's the most stupidest thing I've ever heard." Diego stated.

"Do you have anything to contribute to the group, Diego?" Kallie asked and lifted an eyebrow. He also went silent.

Luther spoke up, "Is it? Well, whatever we're doing is not working. All we ever do is save the world for a day, pat ourselves on the back, and then everything goes to shit again."

Lila's face showed all sorts of confusion. "So, wait. Your big plan is...no plan?" Lila guessed.

Five nodded at her. Kallie perked her head up to hear his 'plan'. "Exactly. Conscientious objection. Why the hell not? We've tried everything else." Five gestured around the room. "Maybe this is just what the universe needs. I say we embrace the apocalypse, see what's on the other side."

"What if it's...nothing?" Sloane asked quietly.

"Then, it was nice knowing you all..." Five answered, looking around the room and his eyes landing on Kallie.

"Five, don't say that-" Kallie tried.

"Whatever's on your bucket list, I recommend you do that now." He turned away to sit down next to Kallie on a stool.

"Well, on that...super happy note. We've uh..." Luther started and looked from Sloane to everyone else, they laughed before standing up. "We have an announcement to make."

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