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Season 3, Episode 9

Kallie did in fact wait for Five when she got to her room, she couldn't remember how long she spent up was a while. It was so long she ended up giving up waiting and fell asleep in her dark and lonely room.

By the time she woke up again, rubbing the sleep out her eyes and properly getting out of her dress, she felt a bit frustrated since Five didn't show up. Although she didn't want it to spoil her mood, did that mean that he thought the kiss was a mistake?

She didn't exactly want to get into it, so she decided to get some food downstairs and meet with the others. When Kallie opened her door she was met with an older man she didn't expect to see.

Reginald stood in front of the door, ready to knock.

"Good morning, how are you feeling?" He asked brightly, but Kallie was the opposite as she was coping with her hangover and unpleasant mood.

"Excited for the universe to swallow me up whole already, though I can't say the same for you." Kallie responded half sarcastically.

"Oh, well, I am just here to inform you that I am hosting a family meeting later. I hope you can come." He informed her with a nod and she hummed.

"Wow you see me as your family, how lovely." She seethed in response and crossed her arms.

"Why of course, you're a Sparrow, dear one." Reginald replied simply. "I'm going to find that close friend of yours, Five, I belive his name was. Care to join me?"

"No thanks. I'm good." Kallie denied the offer with an instant shake of her head. He nodded politely before walking off in the opposite direction she went, heading to the lift and going downstairs.

When she walked past the steps she could easily see in the distance Lila and Diego sat on the sofas, whilst the others are still probably in their room. Kallie decided to leave them be whilst she snacked on some nearby fruit she found in a basket.

As she sat down on a nearby stool at a table, Kallie saw another figure sit next to her with bright hair.

"Morning. How was your lovely night?" Lila teased with a sly grin, propping her head up onto her hands.

"What?" Kallie asked and munched on an apple.

"Oh don't play dumb with me, Lee-Lee!" Lila prodded her shoulder.

"I'm genuinely confused-"

"I saw you and Five snogging each other's faces off last night. Diego nearly threw up and I had to force him to go the other way." Lilia exposed them and nodding over to Diego. Kallie felt her face go red. "So, where is the little man?"

"I don't know. I don't care." Kallie shrugged and continued to eat her apple as if it was the most important thing at the moment.

Lila's expression changed to a more concerned look, putting her hand on the table and pulling Kallie to properly look at her. "Hey, what's gone off?"

"Nothing...just probably me being petty or whatever anyways-"

"None of your bullshit excuses. Did something happen?" Lila urged her to tell, putting a hand on her shoulder.

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