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Season 3, Episode 9 and 10

Five and Kallie found each other as they went back down to the lobby for the vote. They stood next to each other as the rest of the siblings merged into the room, Allison then walked forwards to face everyone.

"I think you can all guess which way I'll be voting. We've all been through a lot. We've all lost people." She looked around the room, eyes flickering on Kallie who looked down as she thought about Jayme, Alphonso, Fei, Marcus, Chris. "Mannequins..." Allison looked at Five briefly, obviously talking about Delores who Kallie sorta knew about. "But their deaths have to mean something. Which is why I'm going to have to vote with Dad."

Lila walked down the steps and got into Diego's face, "What she said." She walked over to Allison and fistbumped the air, "Let's go save the bloody universe!"

"Well then if she says yes, I vote stay." Diego shrugged and walked away towards the steps as Lila scoffed. "How's that for being nice?"

"You're not being serious." Lila shook her head.

"It's his vote, Lila. Klaus?" Allison asked her brother.

"I am with Father." Klaus gestured to Reginald with a spoon.

"Okay, that's four to one. Viktor?" Allison asked Viktor who sat on the steps.

Viktor looked down at sighed, "Look, I wanna believe, okay? I really do. I just can't shake off the feeling that we don't know what we're getting ourselves into."

"No, but we know what we've got if we don't. We have to go into this together. Viktor, a family." Allison urged him.

"You can't just keep throwing the word 'family' around, it isn't enough. I vote stay." Viktor stated and attempted to ignore Allison's hurtful but then annoyed look.

"Luther?" Allison asked the broader man, with Sloane next to him.

Luther sighed and squeezed Sloane's hand. "Sloane and I talked, and well, we're out. Look, we wanna spend the time we have left together. Not fighting some guy with a sword and ringing bells and stuff."

"We're dead even, four in, four out." Viktor pointed out.

"That leaves you, Number Five. Kallie." Reginald added.

"I saw the future and it told me to sit this one out. I vote stay." Five told him. "It's about time we accepted our fate."

"Kallie?" Reginald looked towards the girl who clutched onto Five's hand.

"Not like it will make a difference, five to four, but I vote stay too." Kallie gave her answer sternly.

Allison huffed, "You're all pathetic." She then walked away and nobody said anything to stop her.

"Why can't we just go in there, the four of us?" Ben grumbled to Reginald.

"That would mean certain failure. There must be seven." Reginald informed before looking towards everyone else. "Chilren, I can't say I'm happy with this. But I see now the blame falls on me. I have failed you when you were young and have failed you now. And in doing so, I have doomed the entire universe. If anyone needs me I'll be in the courtyard, awaiting the end." He dramatically said before walking out.

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