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Season 3, Episode 10

Everyone exited the lift together, Kallie sheepishly held Five's hand and he eventually ran his thumb the bacl of it gently. Reginald went out first and walked down the steps.

"It's magnificent." He admired the lobby that looked much better than the old one.

"You guys should have stayed here. This place is way nicer." Ben spoke up.

"Last time Lila and I were here we barely make it out alive, remember?" Diego asked and turned his head.

"But I'm here this time, and the numbers are in our favour."

"Oh my god can you get anymore self-absorbed?" Kallie huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Whatever it was, it was strong, fast and super pissed." Lila added and Kallie and the others followed them to the counter.

"Alright, so, whatever you do, do not ring this bell." Diego ordered and nodded to the normal bell next to a piece of card that read something Kallie couldn't decipher. "Unless you wanna lose a finger, or a tentacle. Or a...weird tree thingy-" He briefly looked at Kallie.

Sloane was first to step forward. "I'll take my chances-"

Kallie instantly shook her head, seeing her sister being so reckless at ease almost scared her. "Sloane no-"

"Don't!" Lila walked in front of her.

"Get out of my way." Sloane firmly demanded.

"To take out this thing, we need to be in the right state of mind." Lila replied calmly.

"State of mind? What, do you think I'm angry? Yes I am angry. I wanna kill that thing that killed Luther." Sloane ranted in fury but was still upset of the whole Luther incident.

"Luther isn't the only one that's gone." Viktor told her. "We lost Klaus too. I'm angry as well, okay? But, we have to be smart about this."

Five's attention turned over to the doors so he decided to take a closer look, Kallie followed him too. The glass was all thick and white, unable to see through it apart from the illiminous light from behind.

"Don't even try it Five, Kallie, Doors won't let you out." Diego let them know and Kallie groaned before they both went over to the discussing adults.

"So what, were stuck here?" Allison asked.

"What difference does it make? This place is the exact same but with never-ending sushi." Kallie pointed to the continuous plates of sushi that was travelling around on a conveyor belt.

"This place is a test and a trap and a means of salvation all at once." Reginald commented.

"What does the sign say?" Viktor asked and pointed to the desk.

"Yeah, it says 'Do not ring the bell'" Diego responded. "Do not ring that bell."

"You have a weird obsession with bells." Kallie muttered.

"This guy has a weird obsession with cutting fingers off-"

"Oh my god enough with the fingers-"

✓𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂 ; The Umbrella Academy S3Where stories live. Discover now