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Season 3, Episode 10

Killing the weird Guardian took longer than expected. Five had swung his axe at it multiple times, Sloane used her powers to hold it in its place so Kallie could make some use out of her sharp vines to try and at least scratch the surface of its metal armour.

But nothing worked.

They were forced to a different room with dryers in and a green aura covering the room. Kallie and Sloane were hiding at the back alongside Five and Ben.

"You've hit that thing a bunch of times with that axe, it should be dead by now!" Ben yelled at Five's useless axe.

"Feel free to step in, tentacles!" Kallie shouted back, noticing how Ben hasn't contributed at all.

Five quickly argued back, "It's the armour, it's like hitting cement."

"There's a space between the backplates." Sloane pointed out. Her forehead had a scratch on it that was slightly bleeding, reminding Kallie of her new gash on her cheek which was oozing with blood no matter how many times she wiped it.

"We need to get behind it."

"Can't you do you're teleporting thingy-" Kallie suggested to Five before Sloane stood up with a yell.

"Hey asshole!" She yelled and jumped over the dryers, Five blipped somewhere as Sloane ran across the walls but was the cut down by a knife slicing her shoulder.

"Sloane!" Kallie yelled and slid across the dryer when she saw the Guardian snarling over Sloane's injured state. Kallie lifted her hand and directed some wind towards it, pushing it off balance and slightly away from Sloane.

But then the Guardian regained its balance quickly and swung the sword wildly, slashing the top of Kallie's collar bone to her shoulder. She let out a yell before it kicked her back towards the other side of the room, opposite Sloane who looked at her with fear.

"No!" Five yelled before blipping behind the Guardian and raising his axe ready to swing, but it spun around again to hit him in the face. The blow was hard enough to knock Five off his feet.

"Five!" Kallie's voice broke as she held one hand over her wound to try and stop its bleeding and using the other to hold herself up.

The three of them on the ground looked stunned, not knowing what to do as they were all too weak to use their powers. Except one.

Ben stood up on top of the table with his tentacles around him. He let out a yell before using them to capture the Guardian and hold its arms in place. He strained and groaned in pain to hold it together, but it wasn't enough.

The Guardian broke free and Ben's tentacles got chopped off and blood sprayed, some even got on Kallie's face but a this point it didn't bother her. Her right cheek was covered in blood by her deep gash and her chest was soaked in a deep red colour.

Five then blipped again, standing up and grabbing the axe. He directed a bit swing to the back of the Guardian's backplate, his axe getting stuck in it. The Guardian's knees gave in and it fell on the floor with a great thud, the only sound heard was the panting of everyone on the ground and the slight buzzing of the lights.

Five let go of his axe with a clatter, rushing over to Kallie to help her up.

"Fuck, that hurts like a bit-" Kallie gritted her teeth as she was helped to her feet, feeling out of breath when she was stood. "Everything hurts." She gasped and rested her head on Five's shoulder.

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