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Season 3, Episode 1

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Season 3, Episode 1

" the Sparrow Academy." Reginald stated as he stood in front of eight new people in the main living room. Kallie was in the hallway when she heard her siblings rush out their rooms and onto the balcony to get a closer look, so she decided to get even closer.

Kallie crept into the living room, peaking behind a pillar where she could just see Ben coming into view.

The new people turned around to look up and they saw the Sparrow Academy, with confused looks on their faces. However they looked even more confused once they saw Ben for some reason.

"Dad, who the hell are these assholes?" Ben asked loudly, stepping forward. He noticed Kallie out the corner of his eye but ignored her as she walked closer and slightly leaned against the wall where she was in view.

"Ben..." A man with long curly hair gasped. Kallie had to admit that she loved his hair despite the fact he looked like Jesus.

"Is that really you?" A much more taller and broad man asked, stepping forward. Kallie tilted her head, intruiged. How did they know Ben?

"And who are the weirdos in the balcony?!" Another man yelled, he had shorter but wavy hair that made him look like Dora the fucking explorer.

"They...are the Sparrows." Reginald spoke up from behind. "My children." He briefly looked at Kallie, obviously she wasn't his child but she was still treat like she was, although she couldn't help but let out a small snicker.

A dark haired boy looked at Kallie, he appeared to be around the same age as her. She had to admit that he was cute, apart from the itchy looking uniform that made him look like a school boy...he was decent. He looked her up and down before turning around.

"I'm sorry...what do you mean your children?" The boy asked, his face had splats of blood on but it didn't seem to bother him. "That's not possible, old man."

Kallie chuckled slightly whilst walking beside Ben, who nudged her as if it was to say "shut up". She rolled her eyes and continued to listen whilst holding herself back from burning the back of Ben's hair to dust.

"Of course it is! I think I'd know, wouldn't I?" Reginald quizzed as if it was obvious, but the new group looked as if they weren't convinced.

"Everyone can see Ben...right?" The longer haired man asked again, directing his hand over to him before looking at Kallie. "And his new friend."

"Cute hat, Sundance." Ben commented irritatingly.

"They call themselves the Umbrella Academy." Reginald mentioned.

"Where's the umbrellas?" Kallie muttered but wasn't heard because of the footsteps behind her coming from the other Sparrows.

"A group of scheming, perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the fall of 1963, when I was away on business in Dallas." Reginald explained. "They claim to be my spawn." That was when Kallie had to hold back laughter, earning a quick glance from the younger boy who seemed to have an eye on her.

✓𝐀𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂 ; The Umbrella Academy S3Where stories live. Discover now