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As she sulked on her own, she felt a hand touch hers. When she looked up she then saw Five sitting next to her.

"You okay?" He mumbled.

"I don't know what to feel. Do I feel sad that my siblings are dead, or happy because in a way they were assholes to you guys and didn't care that I was basically kidnapped." Kallie admitted, keeping her eyes focused in front of her as she fiddled with the edge of Five's suit. "What do I do?"

"I won't lie to you and say it gets better, because it doesn't for a while." He confessed composedly. "Eventually you learn to live with it."

"How do you know that? Your whole family is here." She slumped her head in the crook of her arm on the table.

"Not...exactly. I guess there's some things we still don't understand about each other." He acknowledged.

"How so?" Kallie asked, finally lifting her head off the table.

"This isn't exactly the only apocalypse I've been through, you see..." Five started, then going onto explain the drastic details of when he was 15 and travelled through time but ending up getting stuck in the future apocalypse, which he then later warned his family about but many years later.

Then getting lost in time and transporting all his siblings in the different time places of Dallas, but eventually meeting back up to stop another apocalypse go to with President Kennedy and Viktor, again.

Now this one. But only this time it's the end of the universe, in the time line where another version of their unfortunate dead brother is in. And also, only this time he's an asshole.

"So, that's why Klaus is so obsessed with my version of makes sense now." Kallie nodded as she allowed all the information to sink in.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"I've told you how I'm still in my 15 year old self's body-" He started off by saying.

"In the most confusing way possible, but yes you have." She quickly interrupted. "Continue."

"Why are you?"

Oh god, the dreaded question.

She always tried to avoid the question, especially when she first met the Sparrows and they asked her that. As much as Kallie wanted to change the subject, she knew if she wanted Five to trust her than she would have to talk to him about it.

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