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Season 3, Episode 1 and 2

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Season 3, Episode 1 and 2

After everyone had gotten cleaned up Marcus then ordered them all to go into the gym for a workout and also to discuss what had obviously went off. Some fast paced music played in the background whilst they spoke and ran on the treadmills.

"Big one is strong but slow, possibly stupid." Marcus started off.

"He's going to be even more stupid with all the concussions you probably gave him." Kallie panted as she ran.

"Some sort of...simian hybrid."

"Who took the little jumpy guy?" Sloane asked, referring to Five.

"Kallie and I did. Just gave him a spanking and sent him to school." Jayme replied.

"Hey-oh!" Alphonso yelled and gave Jayme a fistbump.

"He deserved it. Kal, did you see how he was looking at you?" Jayme winked at Kallie, who was running next to her.

"What?" She asked, caught off guard.

"Puppy dog eyes." Alphonso whispered dramatically.

"As if. He literally tried to make sushi rolls with my vines." She scoffed before drowing out Alphonso and Jayme's teasing.

Ben attempted to bicker with Marcus but instead he turned on one of the cameras and showed the clip of Vanya from before, the illuminating blue light taking everyone out.

"Care to explain how you all had your assets handed back to you in 30 seconds?"

"Like he could do better." Kallie scoffed as her treadmill started to go slower. "Honestly my brother could outsmart him anyday...and he was stupid."

"Do you have any idea what would happen to our reputation if anyone had seen that?!" Marcus yelled. "I mean, we haven't faced decent enemies for years. This could be good for us. Good for business. But only if we're smart enough with our next move."

A cough interrupted his speech, everyone looked to the side to see Reginald. "You summoned, Number One?"

"Sit." Marcus offered. "You spent time with these people. What's your assessment?"

"That they're asses." Kallie answered under her breath and Jayme hummed in agreement.

"Unimpressive. Neanderthals. Cried too much and showered too little. The only thing they lacked more than grit was any regard for one another." Reginald explained usefully.

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