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Title: POST-IT
Warning: None.

We were in history class with Vice Principal Luna, despite making a superhuman effort not to fall asleep, I failed miserably. The only ones still awake and paying attention were Twilight and Sunset. Pinkie and Rainbow were playing, and the others weren't even paying attention, or were whispering and chatting, sleeping, playing, or just lost in thought pretending to pay attention, sometimes that last one was me.

Vice Principal Luna told us to write a summary about chapter 11, as soon as she said "page one hundred and forty-two" everyone rushed to find the sheet, wanting to finish quickly and leave the last hour of class.

I quickly tossed out a summary more improvised than anything, and went to show her my nonsense, which Vice Principal Luna didn't read, but she accepted my text, so I returned to my seat to conclude the activity with the quiz at the end of the chapter. Cool.

Taking my seat, I glanced at my book and now it was closed. I opened it again and riffled through the pages quickly until I reached the one I wanted.

Upon finally finding the page, there was a blue note in dark purple pen handwriting nestled there. I removed that post-it and read it quietly.

"Let's head to the Cakes' cafeteria after class"

"Kiss me"

The options in that note gave me a clear, actually quite obvious, clue to the person behind it. I circled the last option while smiling, I loved this kind of stupid cheesy stuff, Rainbow is a fun girl after all.

Once I circleed the answer, I calmly passed the note to the multicolor haired girl, who immediately started following the order. Since her seat was right behind mine, she just leaned to the front, stretching a little towards me and I turned around.

Her lips touched mine gently; for her to be the cool, arrogant jock in the room, she kissed delicately, but of course, that didn't bother me at all. We stayed like that for a few seconds until an annoying noise forced us to separate.

And as expected, idiots in the room immediately made high-pitched noises like an ambulance and others cheered in a joke tone laughing.

-Don't you have better things to do!? -Rainbow questioned with slightly pink cheeks.

The laughter gradually ceased and Vice principal Luna called our attention.

-Students, stay calm, you are already at the high school level, it is normal to see a couple and not react like infants, elementary school children are more respectful.

A collective "Yes, Vice principal Luna" was heard from the class.

-And, ladies, I recommend waiting until the end of classes to proceed in these kinds of activities.

"Proceed in these kinds of activities.", that just makes it sound embarrassing, dammit!

Rainbow Dash and I mechanically nodded somewhat embarrassed. Minutes later the class were back in their own business again.

-Uh, so.... wanna go to the Cakes' cafeteria? - My girlfriend asked me.

-Sure. But finish that summary once and for all so we won't be out of here so late! -I said.

She snorted in resignation and I continued searching for the answers to the quiz, and the last ones ended up being passed to me by Sunset, who had searched as a team with Twilight.

I showed her the questionnaire and Vice Principal Luna let me out. I put in my bag my notebook and Sunset's, I would return it to her outside of high school.

Twilight left her notebook for Rainbow to copy down the quiz and finally got up to go check it.

When we left the classroom, we returned both the blonde and the blue-haired girl's notebooks thanking them for their help, and soon after we set off for the Cakes' cafeteria.

Rainbow Dash took my hand in hers and we started walking.

EQUESTRIA GIRLS Human Rainbow Dash x Fem Reader [ONE SHOTS]ִ Where stories live. Discover now