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Title: POST-IT (Part 2)
Warning: None.

Rainbow opened the door and we entered, the cafeteria was filled with teenage couples, and different groups of friends.

It was hot today, so we could get a cold dessert. We sat there smiling at each other, then Rainbow decided to go to the bar and order.

—The usual? —She asked since she alredy knew my favorite dessert. I nodded. —Be right back, baby.

I watched her walk away and order our usual desserts and drinks from Mrs. Cake. I checked the time on my phone, I still had plenty of time to have fun with Dash before heading home.

—Cool wallpaper. —I perked my head, Rainbow rested her chin on my shoulder, she was leaning to see my lock screen; a nice picture of us in the park, with Tank and my pet keeping us company.

—Thanks. Is it twenty percent cooler? —I asked and she winked.

—Of course it is. Sooo, ready for the awesomest meal? —She asked placing the trays on the table.

—You know it! —I retored with a tone as exited as hers.

Dash sat down and dipped her spoon into her plate, I did the same.

—Y'know [____], this is almost as sweet as you, it'd have to be... like twenty percent sweeter. —I laughed.

—Yeah, my [Favorite dessert] should be twenty percent cooler to be a hint of how great you are. —Rainbow blushed slightly and laughed softly.

—Thanks... —She stuttered a little, she was adorable every time she got flustered like this.

—Hey, how was your soccer practice today? —I asked concerned. —Sunset told me that Soarin dislocated his leg, and Lightning Dust kicked the ball into neighboring buildings, twice.

—Yeah, I still don't know why do we have to practice with her and the rest of the Crystal prep sports team. It's her fault Soarin dislocated, and she flew the ball on purpose, she's trying to sabotage us! I don't even know what Scootaloo finds great about her!

—Ugh... it must be hard to deal with that girl huh...

—Tell me about it, like today, she said you...! —You tilted your head slightly, waiting for her to complete the sentence but Rainbow regretted it and decided to keep her mouth shut.

It didn't matter anyway, Applejack had already told you what that crazy girl said to Rainbow, of course, something upsetting. You were sure Lightning Dust didn't have a crush on you, so the athlete just wanted to mess with your girlfriend.

—She said I...? —And you pushed a little, this was the reason why you decided to bring up this topic, according to Applejack and Sunset, Dust comments really made Rainbow angry, so you wanted to reassure her.

Rainbow shrugged, brushing it off and trying to change the subject.

—Well, nothing worth worrying about...

You put your hand on top of hers, and smiled slightly.

—I wouldn't leave you for her, and she's obviously no better than you. —Rainbow smiled at you, then her eyes widened.

—Wait! How did you...? You knew? —Rainbow cuestioned.

—Yeah... I talked to the girls this afternoon, before last class. I saw you a little grumpy and immediately knew that something wasn't right...

Rainbow cleared her throat.

—I mean, it's not like I doubted of that, or like I cared about what she said or anything.

You hold a laugh, Sunset told you Rainbow Dash threw her shoe at her and screamed "Don't bring my girl into this" or something like that.

—Alright, I'm glad those stupid comments didn't get to you, because you have nothing to worry about. —She took the hand I placed on top of hers before and kissed my knuckles.

—Heh, I know... —She blushed again. —Well, we better finish eating, or the desserts will melt.

I nodded.

We stayed a while longer enjoying our date, until it was time to get back to my house, so Rainbow walked me home, advantages of living nearby.

EQUESTRIA GIRLS Human Rainbow Dash x Fem Reader [ONE SHOTS]ִ Where stories live. Discover now