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Warning: None.

There you are, a blushing mess at an ice cream parlor, sitting beside your girlfriend who is such a flirt. That sounds pulled out of nowhere, yeah, but the context will come.

The first thing to keep in mind is that Rainbow is flirtatious with you.

That's exactly why you actually started dating her, or most likely the way she quickly caught your interest, it started as friendly jokes and teasing but, soon both of you ended crushing on each other. Sometimes you couldn't even have a normal conversation since Rainbow would start making casual flirtatious jokes.

It was almost as if she didn't notice, or as if she did it unconsciously at this rate. Though it seems that she knows exactly what she is doing once she starts. Whatever the reason behind her comments is, it doesn't matter, it's not as if Rainbow flirted with every single person who passes in front of her, she only likes to tease you, and if she has a chance she'll take it, so she always got flirty when you were around.

Like right now, you're waiting for the waiter to bring your ice creams, and Rainbow started leaning closer to you, of course you didn't pull away.

—I think I'll get some of that chocolate chip ice cream I was talking about. I bet it'll be as delicious as your cute face... —Rainbow smirks at you and leans in even more, she's close enough for you to feel her breath.

—Oh my god, this again... —Even though you tried to cover your face, there's no use, she knows you're blushing.

Rainbow showed a cocky smile. She loved the the effect her flirt had on you, and even if she doesn't say it out loud, the red on your cheeks drives her crazy, she wants to see more and more, so she won't stop.

—Hey, get your hands off your face, I want to kiss you. —And again, Rainbow Dash speaked.

You immediately uncovered your eyes and a part of your face, your hands slowly going down to the table.

—That sounds nice... —Rainbow smirked. —But you don't deserve it. —At this she frowned and you started laughing.

Rainbow wasn't really going to wait or anything, so she just leaned in to close the distance between you two and kissed you, you can't help but feel giddy and joyful.

After slowly pulling apart Rainbow brought her hand to your chin and brushed her thumb gently over your bottom lip. You shudder, and mentally cursed at the possibility of being smiling like a fool, she's got you like nobody.

Dash smiles. She leans in and gives you another quick kiss before speaking again.

—You have such a cute smile, [____]... —She looks at you intently, then burst out laughing at your flustered reaction. —Why are you blushing so hard? Do you still get that nervous around me, babe? —That comment only made your blushing state worse.

She looks at you with love in her eyes. The waiter comes and sets down the ice creams beside you and Rainbow Dash, and Dash grabs hers and holds it.

—Stop messing with me...

—Haha, I'm so going to keep messing with you. —Rainbow chuckles while she raises the spoon to taste her ice cream. —But since I'm feeling generous, I'll go easy on you, but not too easy... —Rainbow leans back a bit, but then she comes closer again to give a peck on your lips before continuing her ice cream with a relaxed smile. —You're cute when you're all red in the face by the way.

You groaned hopeless while blushing even more, and she thought it was amusing. But in the end she let you eat your ice cream in peace before leaving the cute ice cream parlor hand in hand in the direction of Rarity's workplace, the boutique.

—I still can't believe Rarity wants to take our measurements again, she already has them, she has done it a million times already, how unnecessary! —You heard Dash complaining.

The thing is, in a few weeks you two will go to a concert as a double date, Rarity and Applejack being the other couple.

—I suppose she wants to make sure there's no change in our size as a preventive way before starting to make the clothes... don't worry, it won't take long.

You both arrived at the boutique, entering causing the little bell at the door to ring.

—Hey Rares, we're here! —Rainbow announced after your arrival. The fashionista, who was taking Applejack's measurements, turned her head in your direction and smiled.

—Oh, great to see you darlings, come here, come here! —She gestured with her hand. —I'm almost done here, while you wait please take a look at the designs, any suggestions or changes are welcome, my goal is that you like the clothes.

"She really is generous..." You thought.

You and your girlfriend approached the table where Rarity's designs were, several sketches with no color as well as other schemes full of her ideas illustrated with the final color palette. Rainbow didn't wait to criticize her outfit, of course in a respectful way but demanding that it needs to be something comfortable to wear, and of course she couldn't miss her catch phrase.

—Of course, but what exactly do you want me to change? —Rarity asked.

—Hmm... not sure, I bet you can make it twenty percent cooler!

—Mhm, that's not much help. —Rarity said and you laughed. —Does it have something to do with the color?

—Maybe if you put more blue...

—More?! —The fashionista exclaimed.

—What? Don't you like blue? —Rainbow crossed her arms.

—Well, of course, in color theory blue symbolizes freshness, it is associated with friendship, and fidelity... which is totally you, but adding more of it, your skin will blend in and then you won't be able to stand out...

—Come on, I always stand out! —She said confidently.

—Yeah, there are some people who die when they're not the center of attention, right? —You teased her playfully, after you said that the first one to let out a thunderous laugh was Applejack, Rarity just smiled and Rainbow put her hands on her hips and gave you an indignant look, you chuckled and she smiled. —But yeah, I agree, you always stand out, pretty.

Rainbow blushed slightly and rubbed the back of her neck murmuring a soft "thanks".

—Well I'm done, thank you, darling. —She allowed Applejack to go, and the blonde moved to sit in one of the cushions. —[____], it's your turn.

You nodded. To be honest you just liked the one she designed for you, it really captured your essence in an outfit that you would gladly wear, and it was appropriate for the situation, in this case the concert.

In the end, the fashionista took your measurements again, finding that they were still the same as they have always been, and the same with your girlfriend, who stays in shape.

Once she was done Rarity told you that she and Applejack would go shopping for materials, like the fabrics and stuff, at the mall, so you joined them. Thankfully it wasn't as crowded as when there are festivities.

While the other couple walked in front leading the way, you two walked close right behind them. Suddenly Rainbow moved to whisper right at the edge of your ears, making your ears feel your girlfriend's hot breath.

—Don't you feel like trying on swimsuits today? —You shuddered and patted her arm. —Heh, if that doesn't convince you... —Rainbow pointed to something with her finger, so you moved your gaze to the place she was indicating, your face turning red. —We have a lingerie store nearby...

—Control your hormones! —You scolded her in a whisper, Rainbow started laughing at your flushed face.

You tried to ignore that and just focus on buying the right fabrics with your friends.

EQUESTRIA GIRLS Human Rainbow Dash x Fem Reader [ONE SHOTS]ִ Where stories live. Discover now