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—Oh, [____]! —I turned around and faced Rainbow. —I finally found you.

—Hi Rainbow, What's up? —I said.

—Well, I wanted to know if you'd like to join me for a walk in the park this weekend? —I was surprised and she spoke again. —I need to practice some tricks and I want the best company.

As I assumed, she didn't mean something like a date, though it seemed like she would ask me out on one at first.

—Oh, cool. Will Sunset bring her camera?

—Ehh, actually... none of our friends is coming...

—No? Why? —I asked surprised.

—Ehh... well, y'know... they have things to do. —She scratched the back of her neck.

—But Pinkie said that she had the weekend off a moment ago...

—What? No, no! Ehhh, she told me that she had to organize a party last minute. —She rushed to answer, somehow suspicious.

—Oh... So who will come? If you're gonna practice tricks, do you mean yourself or the whole sports team?

—Well, at the moment it's just me... if you're busy or don't want to go, no problem, I...

—No! —I cleared my throat. —I mean, it would be fun to see you do tricks. Obviously I'll go with you.


Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!

She said yes! ... I mean, of course she said yes. Rainbow Dash never fails, all as planned...

—Just see me? How about I teach you how to do some tricks? —I proposed.

—What? Ha, you know I'm a lost cause... —[____] answered. And I have to admit, sometimes she's a little lazy, but I'm very persistent, so I manage to make her move.

—Oh, come on! You have nothing to lose!

—Okay, but something basic... I'm extremely clumsy.

—Well, I won't be the one to disagree. —I scoffed playfully. She nudged me softly and started laughing, I followed her. Her laugh is contagious.

I really... love her smile.

–I hope I don't end up in the hospital...

—Don't worry, I'm the best at teaching sports! —I answered, bragging about my amazingness.

—What? Are you going to teach sports!? —Scotaloo appeared out of nowhere.

—Uh... well, yeah... —I answered.

This is not good...

—Really? When!? —Right now this could ruin the plan, I wanted to be alone with [____], but Scootaloo looks so excited...

—Well... I had thought to teach [____] on Saturday at four... —I really wished Scootaloo would get the hint.


Scootaloo, who seemed to want to sneak in at all costs, began to ask Rainbow about the plan... to be honest I would have liked to be alone with Dashie.

—Well... I had thought to teach [____] on Saturday at four... —I watched her carefully. Did she not want Scootaloo to come or was it just me hallucinating? She emphasized my name as if he wanted to clarify it.

"I had thought to teach [____]..."

Was that a hint perhaps?

—Cool! Can I go!? —Rainbow sighed, like she was disappointed... Was I just imagining it or can I get excited? She wanted to be alone with me?

—Sure... —Although she agreed to take Scootaloo, something in her seemed not quite happy.

—Great! —Scootaloo left excited.

My friend and I were left alone in silence.

—Well... it seems that now you have more students, or spectators for your tricks.

—Haha, yeah... —She didn't say anything else. Rainbow seemed less happy now compared to the moment when she just told me about her plan for the weekend.

—Alright, to be honest, I'd have liked to be the only student... —I decided to break the silence.

—Eh? —Immediately her gaze focused on me and she raised an eyebrow smiling. I got nervous.

Quick, I need an excuse...

—After all, I'm at beginner level, so it would have been better if "the coach" could give me her full attention...

Dash's cheeks immediately turned red. Then the blush subsided.

—Heh, you don't have to worry, your new coach won't take her eyes off you... —She smiled and put her arm around my shoulders, just like she did before, I blushed.

If things keep like this I'm gonna faint.

EQUESTRIA GIRLS Human Rainbow Dash x Fem Reader [ONE SHOTS]ִ Where stories live. Discover now