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Warning: None.

Today was another normal day at Canterlot High, as always organizing events that would most likely end in a magical catastrophe, much to the annoyance of your friends and the liking of your girlfriend.

Sometimes they even invited students from Crystal prep to be part of the "friendly" activities, and today wouldn't be the exception.

You were usually not a fan of getting involved in  friendship games' activities and their derivatives. It symbolized too much stress and competitiveness for you, but due to your natural talent in this activity you were selected by the very Luna deputy director. How lucky...

And there you were, bout to win by some kind of miracle even though at first you were sure you'd just going to humiliate yourself there in front of both high schools. Maybe it's because of the extra motivation you received from Rainbow Dash before going on stage.

You walked off the stage shocked after winning, only to be greeted by the cheers of your school and teammates, especially your friends and your girlfriend. What you did not expect was congrats from someone quite... peculiar

Lightning Dust.

—Hey, well played there, [____]

You just smiled in confusion while staring at Lightning Dust.

—Heh... Thanks? —Even though you didn't mean to be rude, it was hard for you to accept a compliment coming from her.

—I must admit that you really impressed me, you have to be very cunning to beat a Crystal prep student. —Dust whispered in a sweet flirty tone.

"What's wrong with her?" You wondered in your thoughts, being careful not to say it out loud.

—Oh, thanks. I honestly didn't have high expectations. —She smiled hearing your answer and approached to you.

—Oh come on, you should be more confident in yourself, I bet you'd be a great addition to our team... —She leaned towards you leaving her hand on the wall next to you and resting her weight on her arm.

—Uh, Dust, personal space please. —You said.

—Isn't this space between us more than enough? —She muttered.


Rainbow Dash glared at both of you from afar, and by her face it was easy to see she didn't find it funny. In fact, with each passing second, her brow furrowed a little more.

—Lightning Dust better get away from her before I count to ten... —Dash growled.

—Look Rainbow Dash, [____] is dating you, she likes you, and she's not the type of person to cheat. Don't you think you should trust her?

—Yes! But doesn't she seem to be smiling enough? I'd say too much!

—Okay, we get you are upset about someone deliberately flirting with your girlfriend, Dash, but... —She paused for a moment, evaluating her next words. —But you shouldn't let your jealousy consume you... —Sunset said. She seemed to have trouble softening her words.

—Who said anything about jealousy?! I didn't Say anything about jealousy! I'm not upset and I'm not jealous!! Do I look jealous?! —Rainbow started to scream, and that got your attention.

The girls shared worried glances.

—Oh, of course not, Rainbow Dash, because this is surely the way a jealous person wouldn't act at all! —Applejack added sarcastically.


—So, you said you like movies, I do too! Why don't we go see a movie this Friday? —Dust said.

—Uhh... —You turned in the direction of your girlfriend, who glared back at you two gritting her teeth. —As long as my friends and my girlfriend come too. That would be fun.

—Really? I was hoping just the two of us go, y'know, "bonding time" to make the magic of "friendship" grow.

—Well, though it's good you want to make friends and all... that's what this school games are supposed to be for... —You sighed. —We can still be friends if you want.

You said, completely oblivious to the fact that Rainbow’s eyes darkened.

The way she's leaning so her face insist to be close to yours, and her body language screaming that she wants proximity... you can't find a word to describe it.

—Well, how about temporary friends... as we try to get to know each other more... —She said in a tone that was definitely not friendly.

—Uh... how about friends forever?

Awkward. That's the word you were looking for before.

—That's it! —Rainbow screamed as she raised from her seat and began to stride in your direction.

She may not have an idea of what is going on, but the way she's been sticking to you made her mad. You look at Rainbow with concern as she approaches in a rage.

Once Rainbow Dash is beside you, she takes you by the waist while looking at Dust with an irritated appearance.

—So,  Lightning Dust, what are you doing just now? —Rainbow asked.

—Making new friends, of course. This is what this games are for. —Dust answered as if it was obvious.

—Well, why don't you go make friends at your... !? —You interrupted Rainbow.

—Okay okay, we better get back with our friends now! —You took your girlfriend by her hand and dragged her with you to the the stands.

Lightning Dust just looked at you as you left.


Sorry, I know it's a bit short, it also took a long time, but I hope you like it💖

EQUESTRIA GIRLS Human Rainbow Dash x Fem Reader [ONE SHOTS]ִ Where stories live. Discover now