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Warning: None.

(HEYYY, I'M ALIVEEE. Yeah this is a miracle. So hey, I wanted to apologize because I literally vanished from existence and abandoned my account and books, they were like collecting dust and all, also if there were requests in direct messages unfortunately I lost them, I'm really sorry, but I'll try to do the requests that you wrote in the comments, starting with this one about the artist reader. Btw, I'll update a few more chapters before I mark the book as completed and leave it for good.)
That was all, sorry, again.

—No, haha, you don't have to do it like that, wait... —You took Rainbow's wrist, making sure she didn't damage the paper more than she already did.

Trying to teach Rainbow Dash to use watercolors was like trying to make pigs fly, a task with 90% faith and 5% results. The other 5% was pure and sheer comedy. Her canvas was more drowned than a city after a huge tsunami, in fact, it looked like a colorful newspaper soaked in the rain.

And there she was, with a big grin waiting for you to give her approval to finally take a break and go out to eat and do something. To do whatever you could. Anything. Except drawing and painting. The thing is... your girlfriend, being the arrogant and self assured athlete that she is, boasted that she could do anything in this world easily, even the things you do, claiming that she could learn quickly. And after a bet, she ended up joining the art club with you.

The bet consist in you two joining your art club, like you normally do, with the little detail that your girl will be there with you, showing off her... "marvelous talents". She's good at sports, but art... Well, at least she's trying...

But her efforts won't save her from the bet you two made. If you win, you will make her carry your heavy bag and stuff for the rest of the year. If she wins, she will make you join the cheerleaders, she already chose the shortest and most revealing uniform specifically for you, obviously on purpose, and she wants you to cheer her on in all her games for the rest of the year... Nope, not happening.

—Come on, it looks amazing. —She assured nonchalantly, acting as if she's for real proud of her work of art.

—Yeah, sure, Picasso. —You smirked, looking at her and raising your eyebrow.

She immediately responded, catching the sarcasm.

—Come on, this has style, it screams "Rainbow Dash". —She smirked too, and you looked down at the soaked tragedy. It is messy and reckless, just like her, you can give her that.

—Rainbow, I've seen nursing homes with more style than this.

She laughed out loud, and you just let out a little chuckle. At least you know she's not winning this bet.

—Come on, let's go eat something. —You got up, and she immediately smiled, wrapping her arm around your waist.

—Heck yeah! —Seemingly Rainbow was relieved, she didn't like to stay put on a chair for that long. She started leading you through the halls, she probably wants to go to that little cafe you usually have your dates at.

—You know, I'm feeling really positive about this bet now. You'll be carrying my stuff around for me pretty soon. When it comes to art, you have the same talent as I do for sports. How does it feel to lose, my love? —You started messing with her, smirking.

—Cut the sass, you'll see I'm gonna win, it's just some dumb art project, I'll have it done even before the week ends. —She pecked your cheek, and you just laughed, she's still confident for some reason.

You arrived the little cafe, ordering the usual. While playfully teasing each other, you tend to mess with her just as much as she does with you.

—I can't wait for you to join the cheerleaders.

—You wish, hun.


The weekend came soon, and the day "tomorrow", soon turned into today, the present: Monday. You were honestly impatient, you'd be seeing Rainbow's masterpiece soon, and whatever the result would be, it'd define the destiny of your dignity and possible public embarrassment.

You peeked to see what her drawing was about and what you saw made you melt. She chose a pic of you two which Dash used as a reference. If you remember right, it's from that time when you went ice skating. It isn't exactly perfect, but you can tell what she wanted to capture on the canvas.

The show time was here, the art teacher would roast your proyects and you were already smirking in excitement, looking at Rainbow's distressed face from your place. Your canvas was well received by the teacher, as usual, and you were just waiting for her to see the teacher give the usual constructive criticism speech to your girlfriend's work.

When the teacher stood in front of Rainbow you almost felt bad for her. Almost. Her choice of muse for art actually melted your heart and you'd totally shower her with kisses right now if you could. Rainbow seemed even pale, nervous, waiting for the teacher's verdict so she could hopefully win this bet.

—Despite the lack of technique, and poor use of lights and shadows... It is actually a huge improvement in comparison to your first canvas...

You stopped smiling. That's not good. Rainbow on the other hand was smiling now, even looking much more proud and cocky now.

—I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, however, I can see that you have done your part. Good job Miss Dash, keep practicing and possibly one day art will be one of your many talents.

Moment, what happened? So who won the bet? You can't tell. Just at that moment Rainbow approached you, with a big grin and head held high.

–So... Am I awesome or am I awesome?

—The teacher didn't say that you're a pro, rather that you could be one someday, so... technically you didn't win...

—Oh, no fair! —She pouted, not okay with losing.

—You said you'd be the best, sweetheart, I didn't make the rules....

—Come on! Give me some credit!

—Hahaha, alright... Okay, how about this... I cheer for you for one whole month, you carry my bag for that same month... Deal?

Rainbow chuckled, she seemed pleased with the results.


It was a nice month, Rainbow is physically stronger so she didn't struggle carrying your stuff for you, as for you, you attended all of her games and even training sessions, but in the end, Rainbow changed her mind about you wearing that revealing cheerleader outfit after the first day; you dragged a lot of boy's attention, and she didn't like it. Of course she refused to accept that her jealousy is the actual reason and claimed that the real reason behind it is that your body was distracting her.

EQUESTRIA GIRLS Human Rainbow Dash x Fem Reader [ONE SHOTS]ִ Where stories live. Discover now