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Warning: None. (This probably took longer than it should have due to simple lack of inspiration <and slight laziness>, but I did it with the occasional inspiration that comes to me from time to time, so I hope you like it)

You were settled in the stands, a bit tired from school but obviously willing to stay a little longer waiting for your girlfriend, who was at her soccer practice. Staying in school isn't the most pleasant idea for others, but now that you're not confined to a classroom listening to boring confusing lessons, it doesn't matter.

In any case you are aware that she likes that you are there to see her, she usually show off for her audience but you are always like a huge motivational bonus, and according to the athlete you always "stand out from the crowd", you honestly don't think you're as distinctive as she is, as Rainbow is easy to see among so many people because of her hair. You probably stand out to her even while she's playing since she's focused on impressing you.

When you arrived and sat down, you could see the multicolor haired player scanning the stands so you raised your arm and moved your hand slightly, and Rainbow caught sight of you, waving enthusiastically with a big smile as she walked to your place in the stands to greet you before she had to join her playmates.

—Hey, today we stay at my house, right?

—Sure! I bring my pajamas and stuff in my backpack. Good luck by the way.

—Heh, I don't need luck. —She replied in a boastful tone.

—Of course not... –You replied narrowing your eyes and trying to suppress a smile at the girl's narcissistic attitude. —But still I'll continue wishing you luck because you're my favorite player... also my girlfriend.

She smirked hearing that, apparently liking the answer.

—I gotta get back. —She leaned down and planted a quick kiss on your cheek, then trotted back to the field.

Now, well, to tell the truth, do you have any idea what's going on there? Of course not, but surprisingly, against all odds, you are fully enjoying it.

Seeing her colorful hair blowing against the breeze and her athletic figure speeding from one end of the field to the other is simply breathtaking, even hypnotic. Every time your eyes met hers, and Dash realized you were indeed paying attention, which pleases her, she proceeded to freestyle with the ball, so you both enjoyed the moment.

At the end of today's training, Rainbow Dash hurried to the lockers room and quickly changed, excited to meet her girlfriend outside, she was looking forward to the sleepover with her, so she was somewhat impatient.

—Rainbow, that was amazing! —You stood up as soon as you saw her running in your direction. Her first instinct was to giggle happily and hug you by the waist to spin you around. —You really are the best, they didn't pick you as the captain of all sports teams for nothing!

Rainbow grinned, her cheeks turning red and her chest puffing out.

—Yeah, why deny it, I'm pretty awesome. —You couldn't help but think her blush was adorable.

She guided you to her motorcycle, she handed you a helmet and when you were both ready she started towards her house.


—Make yourself comfortable, I'll go check on Tank.

Your girlfriend's parents would be away for work this week, so you could walk around the house with Rainbow without feeling so coy.

You sat in the living room, looking around to the TV screen, frames with family pictures, and even the comfortable sofa in which you were. Rainbow Dash's mother also had a collection of rather graceful dishes on display in a cabinet.

EQUESTRIA GIRLS Human Rainbow Dash x Fem Reader [ONE SHOTS]ִ Where stories live. Discover now