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Warning: Hormonal Rainbow Dash, insecure reader. (Hope you like your request, it was really fun to write, and next chapter "XIV" is the beach request)

You dragged your feet through the mall in the direction of the next store that Rarity planned to void.

You like Rarity, but you can't help but think you hate shopping with her, not for the same reasons as Rainbow Dash, the girl you have a crush on, but the obvious insecurity trying on clothes causes you. You are not happy with your weight and, according to your unpopular opinion, unattractive body, so keeping company to the fashionista was a real martyrdom.

Walking into the new boutique in the mall, Rarity made you try on a white dress with gold details in which you felt like a badly wrapped foreign object without a hegemonic form, the frustration rising and you fought it to keep it from making you cry, so when Rarity comes to ask how you liked the dress all you can do is give a thumbs up, though the strangled expression on your face lingers.

—What's the matter, darling? —Rarity asked softly.

—The dress is cute and all, it's just... I think it's not my style. —You limited yourself with your answer, she nodded with concern.

—Well... nothing we can't fix! —She replied optimistic. If only Rarity knew...

You sat down on the luxurious-looking cushion next to you as Rarity walked off to get more dresses, Tiredly you placed your cell phone and bag next to you and you stopped to glare at any fixed point, with a blank head, of course in a bad mood.

—Come on dear, let's find another store. —You nodded, still in low spirits.

Like a lifeline to save you from your despont, the screen of your cell phone brighten and immediately your face also lit up when you saw the name of the contact who was calling you. Rainbow Dash herself.

—Sup, [____], What'cha doin? —She asked from the other side of the line, it sounded like she was eating something.

—Hey, Dashie. I'm in the mall, with Rarity... —You answered, your tone not exactly lively.

There was a groan on the other end, and just before Rainbow could actually respond, Rarity interrupted her.

—Oh well, hi, Rainbow Dash! We came to have some fun at the mall!

—I suppose you are trying on clothes... —She said.

—Uh huh, still, are you free? —The fashionista invited her.

—Uh, I don't know, I was reading a Daring Do book and... —Of course, this is not the kind of activities she is interested in.

A part of you was disappointed that you wouldn't see her, the other part cheered that she wouldn't come to witness how bad the clothes looked on you. During the call you weren't paying attention to the way, or anything around you actually, but apparently Rarity was, since she saw a store and immediately afterwards smiled mischievously.

Rarity is aware of the stuff Rainbow is capable of as a gay mess, which makes her next taunt not so unpredictable.

—Okay, so then we'll call you later Rainbow Dash, we just passed a swimsuit store, there are many cute bikinis and obviously we have to go in for [____] to try them all on. —Her voice, accompanied by that characteristic British accent, was filled with confidence. You blushed, your eyes widened hearing that.

Again, there was silence from Rainbow Dash's side...

—God, help me! —You whispered, although neither of them heard you.

—Hmm... where are you guys exactly? —The athlete asked. No way...

"Damnit" you thought. Did you hear right? There's no way she's really considering coming. "She hates shopping!"

EQUESTRIA GIRLS Human Rainbow Dash x Fem Reader [ONE SHOTS]ִ Where stories live. Discover now