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Title: POWER UP 2/2
Warning: None.

Here you are, in that empty classroom that Sunset got to experiment on you, the same one she used to investigate what was going on with her friends before the friendship games, so you're familiar with it.

-Well, get ready. -Sunset warned you, Twilight took her laptop and Sunset's notebook, both of them are serious... -Do you know how to play an instrument?

-Uh... I'd rather sing.

-Alright, here you go. -Sunset handed you the microphone, all of them excited.

Are you a good singer? Who knows, you just want to get this over with, having all of them staring at you is making you uncomfortable for some reason. That's quite strange. You're usually confortable with them, so maybe the magic has something to do with it.

You can feel waves of heat, uncomfortable heat, like you're in the beach being burned by the hot sun.

You started singing the song you chose, luckily for you, you were sounding pretty decent, surprising yourself. It would have been embarrassing to sound bad in front of such talented girls. In the middle of the song, Twilight's laptop began to overheat and not so long after exploded under a bright [Fav. Color] lighting.

Ups. You dropped the mic, approaching her with a worried face, it was an expensive laptop.

Before you could apologize, a handful of burning flames surrounded you, the same color from before, and you started screaming, you were on fire and you didn't even feel pain, you were screaming in panic and shock, the objects in the classroom began to change places, just like the night before in your room, teleporting from one place to another in that characteristic light of a color tone that you thought was actually quite pretty, but at this moment you couldn't think about it, all you could feel was panic, almost like the fear of the unknown, but lucky for you, the fire safety sprinklers on the ceiling were activated. Soon, you started teleporting too, surrounded in that light, in a magical mess as the water fell on you.

Dash tackled you to the ground, making sure you stopped teleporting, she had been trying to catch you for a while with her super speed, and she barely managed to do it just now.

-Shh, shh, it's okay! -She cupped your cheeks, you've never seen her so worried, well, just once, when she had to take Tank to the vet. She lifted you in her arms, she could sense your worry and confusion.

You nodded, slightly embarrassed because of the mess you created, you are used to their magic being disastrous but this... This is already another level.


You sat on the ground, with Rainbow by your side, both of you listening to Sunset's recommendations and theories. The group was just as worried, this is kinda new, their powers had never manifested in such a violent way, at least not without ending in a pony monster attacking the school, and, since you already seemed worried enough, they didn't want to burden you with more stress or scare you.

Rainbow was hugging you, trying to convey all of her love and support with this simple but affectionate action. To her, seeing her girl so distressed was painful.

You sighed, confused, you didn't want to transform into a monster, much less fight, so you couldn't help but chuckle when Sunset mentioned the "friendship lessons", according to her, they could put you through different "tests" to appeal to your most friendly side, and like that you'd learn to control the magic of friendship...

"What kind of corny powers do I have to deal with?" You could only wonder, after all, you can't picture Superman learning how to make friends to use his laser eyes.

And the lessons started, it was amusing but very wholesome. Helping AJ and her family at the farm, the gifts you'd make with Rarity, the lessons about being caring with Fluttershy... And now you're wondering... What element are you representing?

Sunset and Applejack theorized your element was "justice", Rainbow said it was surely "purity", whatever she means by that. Twilight calculated it was "courage" according to her tests, Rarity assumed "wit", and Fluttershy said "encouragement". Pinkie Pie said "psychedelic", but Pinkie is Pinkie, so you just chuckled at that. You're not sure what to think, maybe "comedy", because your life is a joke. You didn't say it out loud, they wouldn't appreciate your sense of humor, your girlfriend would shake you.

If sarcasm, being rich, or irony were an element, you'd be proud to be the one to embody them. Yes, you said that out loud, your contribution made them laugh, not finding anything offensive in your comment, they know you don't mean any harm, your jokes light.

Maybe that's your element... Limits... More like boundaries... or respect? Well, that's still a mistery.


Next week arrived, you started your day walking to school with Rainbow as usual, your girlfriend still amazed with your new powers. You have been training with her, trying to control whatever crazy magic you have, which so far seems to be for opening portals or teleporting objects.

It's been complicated and hard to control, but now that you're more used to it, and quite calm, it had come to a bearable term, you have more control, and a nice feeling inside, one in which you get to feel like a magic girl too, it was cute and fun. You can teleport and open portals, that magic was pretty interesting, now you're able to be in one place, and the next second, at the oposite end.

As a Canterlot High student, you're used to monsters attacking school, and today was one of those stressing days, Monday, a Crystal prep student arrived, she had a magical object, apparently equestrian magic infiltrated her hair tie, polution soon consuming her heart, and she inevitably turned into a winged monster, you quickly recognized her as Lightning Dust. Your friends touched their necklaces, all of them transforming into their pony forms, flying to battlefield.

You limited yourself to be useful, using your powers to help your friends if their necklaces fell, teleporting the item back to them. You noticed Fluttershy falling from quite a considerable height, so you opened a portal, barely catching her. She fell on top of you, apologizing and thanking you.
The battle kept going and Lightning Dust tried to shoot a weird black blast at your girlfriend. You're a mix of panic and terror, as you rush towards them, opening a portal to fall on the monster from the sky. She didn't manage to dodge you, and both of you fell to the ground, with Rainbow calling for you, she tried to catch you, however it wasn't necessary...

Lightning Dust and you stopped before touching the ground, surrounded by the magic, it started to leave her body and materialize in front of your eyes as a beautiful [Fav color] necklace, and showing the cute outline of that symbol called cutie mark the pony world, if you are not mistaken. The necklace immediately went to your neck, adjusting on its own, giving way to an immediate transformation; blinding light, ears, tail, [wings optional].

You stared at your hair, it was way longer now, and you touched the fluffy ears on the top of your hair, astonished. There it is... You are a pony...

Your friends immediately cheered, and your girlfriend picked you up in her arms, still flying with excitement. You just chuckled, eager to carry the magic of friendship.

EQUESTRIA GIRLS Human Rainbow Dash x Fem Reader [ONE SHOTS]ִ Where stories live. Discover now