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Warning: None. (I hope you like this request, I'm sorry it took so long, final exams are horrible)

PE class, Rainbow's favorite class...

Usually the students and the coach choose what kind of martyrdom they will put us through to exercise, said martyrdom is always to Rainbow's liking, but to you on the other hand...

Today they decided to play volleyball, always so unpredictable and energetic, but to get out of the routine, they put us to play with another school, a school that Rainbow Dash used to attend. Of course Cloudsdale School.

Everything could have gone well, Rainbow Dash showing off, you pretending you don't exist so the coach doesn't force you to play, and the rest of the sweaty students bumping into each other, but fate had something different planned, something bigger.

Jealousy is very unbecoming, that's what people say, but what would people expect from you when there's a crazy lady flirting with your girlfriend. Oh boy you were so mad... that angry pout on your face would scare people around you, and to say you were trying to cover up your negative feelings is an understatement.

She's curvaceous, maybe stupid, tall, at least easily taller than you by far, she is also athletic, charismatic, clinical and has an boisterous irritating laugh.

In fact she is laughing a lot, and very hard...

What's up with that?

Gilda, her name is Gilda. You heard your girlfriend call her that.

You are about to stand up and talk to them, probably making kind of a rude intervention, but you know you're not a kid, you shouldn't act like a jerk... you trust your girlfriend and...

She takes Rainbow linking her arm and says something that makes her laugh, is it possible to get more angry? apparently yes, it is.

You felt the weight of a rock on your chest and that pain only led to exasperation. Rainbow Dash out of nowhere begins to approach to you and your friends, closely followed by that girl and decides to introduce her. There's something about her you don't like, she seems to be somehow... rude, and Pinkie Pie agrees with you.

While Rainbow Dash wasn't looking she messed with Fluttershy, called Pinkie air head and gave you icy looks. If looks could kill...

Of course what annoyed you the most is the way she approached Rainbow, she was persistent in keeping your girlfriend away from you and she had a strange fixation for taking her arm. Luckily they had to be separated as they were on opposite teams, but they looked really fun competing in that 'friendly' game of volleyball.

What seemed like hours to you, were only a few minutes of play, before the exhausted athletes had to stop and go shower to participate in more activities with Cloudsdale School.

All the sweaty, huddled, and tired girls entered the changing room. Even as you were pulling out of your locker your clean clothes and getting ready for a shower, your head was still on the same bad news. That horrible school and that horrible girl would be staying for a tour at Canterlot High. Yuck.

You turn your head around to see Rainbow, sweaty but happy while she takes her usual clothing out of her locker. You can't help but think she looks stunning, even after an intense game of volleyball.

And it seems Gilda thinks the same, as she is looking in Rainbow's direction. You growl. Not even you are allowed to stare so hard, mostly because you don't want to make her uncomfortable, but that girl does not even care. Each girl gets into the available showers while others wait their turn, but you're just making sure Gilda wouldn't spy on your girlfriend while she showers. At least she doesn't but you still feel mad about her behaviour to Fluttershy and Pinkie.

EQUESTRIA GIRLS Human Rainbow Dash x Fem Reader [ONE SHOTS]ִ Where stories live. Discover now