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Warning: None. (So... this was supposed to be published for halloween. Well, nevermind.)

—Hey guys, check out this abandoned mansion, it's no so far from here! —Spicy Flare, a friend of yours, entered the room where you and the rest of your friends were hanging out, you smiled at the sight of something exciting. —Watch the videos online, people who go in see paranormal stuff. It's Halloween night, we have to go!

—Oh no, I know that face, please tell me you're not intending to go there —Your best friend, sensing the reckless vibes of your person, began to chide you.

—Oh, come on. What's the worst that could happen? besides, sounds fun! —You replied.

—Finally something awesome! We could finally get the verdict for the competition of the bravest! —Rainbow Dash chimed in, pointing at Applejack.

—There's no way you can beat me on that, Rainbow Dash. —Applejack responded defiantly, by the time the two began to challenge each other, you knew they were in.

—Do you really plan to go? —Rarity questioned Applejack with a worried look. The blonde shrugged.

Rainbow didn't even give AJ a chance to answer, interrupting both girls conversation to be the one to answer the question.

—Well of course she's coming! Last time we competed to see who's the bravest, we ended up in a stupid tie!

A small high-pitched shriek distracts you from the conversation, when you turn your head you find Fluttershy, who seems terrified just hearing it.

—I'm not going, I can't! I'm not able to... but I hope you have fun... —You found it a little sad how scared she was, however you wouldn't force her to do something she disliked.

To reassure her you stroked her back and tried to calm her down.

—Don't worry, Flutters, stay at home, I'll tell you if something interesting happens. —You gave her a friendly smile and she smiled back, half her face hidden behind her pink hair.

In the end, everyone except Fluttershy agreed to meet outside school at night, and walk to the abandoned mansion to get there together.


Everyone entered the mysterious place, it was very luxurious but an abandoned mansion after all. Surely in its golden years this place was magnificent.

—I must admit this place, despite its neglect, has a certain... divine aspect, an almost melancholic charm... but are you sure about this? —Rarity, who was now holding on to Applejack, began to express her discomfort about this place. AJ just gave the fashionista the sweetest look you've ever seen her do.

It's obvious to everyone that there's something going on between the two.

As far as you know, their feelings are mutual, you were present at the moment when both of them opened up about their emotions, separately of course; Rarity confessed she have feelings for Applejack one day when she, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Sunset and you went out for ice cream, of course you had to make a "pinkie promise" to her about keep it a secret. AJ, on the other hand admitted it one day she had a sleepover at her house, Rainbow, Sunset, Twilight and you assured her that you would be discreet about it. And now here they are.

You started walking through the halls with your friends, and, to no one surprise, all of you split up.

You walked through the dark halls with a bit of unease, but confident that you'd be alright. It is just some old house, nothing from the other world, so...

You bumped into something, and that made you turn hastily in surprise, maybe in another situation it might have made you scream, however you managed to turn on your heels, panicking in silence. Although it didn't seem like it for a few seconds, you were really scared, but...

Immediately after the slight crash you heard a voice screaming, and quickly a rainbow buzz appeared in your field of vision, like a flash that ran through the dark corridor of the mansion. You knew exactly who that was.

She ran into a wall for your luck, it was difficult to follow her while she was running. Seeing her with her eyes shut tightly and her arm covering part of her face was something so unusual... you decided to intervene.

—Hey, it's okay, it's just me, take it easy! —You said softly, taking her arm with your hands and pulling it down slowly. She cleared her throat.

—Ehem, yeah, sure. I mean... —She, of course, was embarrassed, and tried to regain her "coolness" again by feigning indifference. —Pf, I-I totally knew, I was just playing a little prank on you, you know, so you can enjoy the "haunted mansion".

To you the girl's boast and cocky personality was actually funny, so you didn't try to dwell on the matter as you assumed it would be better to play along. Even so, seeing her so scared was not something you liked, so without thinking, you took her hand in yours, as if she was a little girl having a nightmare, immediately regretting it, since it's not like you initiate that kind of contact with her regularly, like ever. You felt slightly shy.

—Well then... is it okay if I take your hand? —You know Rainbow Dash's not a fan of mushy interactions, so you asked for permission, feeling concerned.

—Err, sure, y'know, just so you don't feel scared. —She started her show-off classic Rainbow Dash's lines again. Her pride wouldn't let her accept the fact that she was scared. In any case you thought "just go with it".

—Right, I need the strong athlete leader of every Canterlot high sports team, brave Rainbow Dash, by my side so I can feel safe. –Even if you were teasing, a part of it was true, walking with someone keeping you company made the place less spooky, however you made an effort to regulate your tone so she wouldn't notice that it was a light taunt.

It was all worth it when you saw Dash blinking in surprise and blushing profusely, "she's so adorable" you thought.

—Heh, yeah, that's me... brave, strong! —You did your best not to laugh as she scratched the back of her neck and tried to keep her lie going. She's actually pretty strong physically and all, but she's just as scared as you are, or maybe not anymore, since her company worked perfectly to distract you from fear.

—Let's go. —You dragged her with you to start searching for your friends.

EQUESTRIA GIRLS Human Rainbow Dash x Fem Reader [ONE SHOTS]ִ Where stories live. Discover now