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Title: THE FAVOR 1/3
Warning: None.

I was having a calm breakfast with Rainbow. It's Sunday morning, one of those days where we could relax and spend time together, but unexpectedly the doorbell rang.

—Who could it be this early? —I wonder.

—No idea. I'll go see. —Rainbow said.

Having visitors at nine in the morning, that is rare, even more so if they weren't even planned. I stood there finishing my cereal until I heard Dashie exclaim.

—Zephyr Breeze?! —She sounded both surprised and disgusted.

I left the table, exited the dining room and walked towards the front door, only to find Zephyr standing right in front of me, beginning to walk towards our living room, settling on the sofa.

We both stared at each other wincing.

—Soo... what brings you here? —This visit, I have to admit, is uncomfortable.

—Why are you here? —Rainbow made the question a bit more aggressive at the same time that I interrogated him.

—Well... I need a favor. —And he dropped the bomb.

Again, my wife and I looked at each other in confusion. What does he want? A loan, a place to stay, a job? Haha, well, he can want everything but a job.

—What favor? —Dash asked, raising an eyebrow.

Once he explained the situation, Rainbow's face was consumed with disgust and mine was filled with disbelief.

—Nope. No way. Never. No —She replied, almost instantly.

—Zephyr, that's stupid, sooner or later everything would come out for everyone to know. —I said.

He dropped to his knees, begging us to help him with his stupidity.

In short, Zephyr's parents were coming to Cloudsdale for a week. Zephyr lives just outside of Cloudsdale, and his parents think he has a girlfriend, none other than Rainbow Dash, of course. He also lied saying that he had a beautiful house with an amazing view and a good job. He wants us to pretend that our house is his house, and that Rainbow is his girlfriend.

—Why don't you just tell them the truth? —I questioned

—What?! Are you nuts?! After telling all about my "fiancée" to my parents!?

—Your what?! —Rainbow Dash complained.

—She is not your fiancee because she is my wife! Are you even aware of that?! —This time, Zephyr messed it up too much.

Is he seriously asking us to follow such a big stunt? I mean, Rainbow pretending to be Zephyr's fiancee, that this is his house, and that he's a successful professional?

—I'm not going to pretend anything with you for a week! —She refused.

—Okay, how about this? —He started again.—We pretend only for two days, and I'll be in charge of entertaining my parents the rest of the week around the city... What do you say? —He looked really desperate.

—Don't your parents have a TV, a phone, or at least a computer? Do they even leave their house sometime? —Rainbow Dash couldn't believe what was happening.

—What? Why do you ask that? —Zephyr made a confused face.

—Because, have your parents ever heard of a famous and awesome athlete named Rainbow Dash, who has a wife?! —She crossed her arms.

—Uh... no, I'm sure not. —He answered.

We both complain again. Even Tank seemed to judge him from the corner of the room.

EQUESTRIA GIRLS Human Rainbow Dash x Fem Reader [ONE SHOTS]ִ Where stories live. Discover now