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Title: POWER UP 1/2
Warning: None. (Sorry if your request took so long, hope you like it, and also hope you get to read it, sorry if It seem rushed in the end.)

My cheek gently touches the cool wood of my table, and my head almost instantly bounces back up as I realize I was dozing. In two days we'll have a calculus exam, and my attempts to stay awake were painful.

Sighing I raised my hand and reluctantly dragged it in search of my pencil and pen, as much as I hated it, it was time to resume the study. Only then I noticed a [color] glowing aura surrounding my pencil, it's glittering edges twinkling under my curious gaze. Startled I withdrew my hand before I even touched it.

Just last weekend you had seen a horror movie with Rainbow, in which a ghost attacked a girl with a pencil... funny coincidence.

At that time Rainbow Dash would be the most affected one by the movie actually, probably due to your indifferent personality and careless nature, but that doesn't take away the fact that going from seeing it on a screen to experiencing it in your own flesh would have the possibility to make your hair stand on end.

This is stupid

You said to yourself mentally. You are familiar with equestrian magic, your friends literally carry it and use it without fear or repercussions, so your first assumption is that there must be a new "victim" inexperienced in friendship that turned into a villain who needs to be dealt by your friends. You stopped to consider the fact that that sounded like you meant beating the victim up instead of "evangelizing" them like the girls usually do, and that simple thought made you laugh.

The moment you get tired of running around trying to catch a pencil that teleports itself from one place to another in your room, you decide to call your girlfriend. When dialing the number, something happens, it's no longer just the measly pencil lighting up and apearing here to there, now all things light up before changing places instantly, over and over again.

You stare at your mess in awe.

—Oh boy... —You mumble.You might have to deal with this alone, it wasn't a sure thing Rainbow would answer in the middle of the night anyway.

—Is everything alright, [Nickname]? —Your mother's voice makes an appearance outside your room, and just at that moment things stop shining to then appear or disappear.

—Uhh... Yeah... —You reply was not so convincingly, but your mom let it be.

Before going to sleep you sent a message to the group chat you shared with your magical friends. "Something weird just happened. Tell you tomorrow"

A very few minutes later you received an answer, but in a separate chat. "You okay? need help?" Apparently Rainbow wasn't asleep yet.

You told her to rest and that you will explain everything tomorrow at school.

"I'll be at your house in a minute"

She's so stubborn you thought amused, in a way, it's another of the things you find irresistible about her. But you still didn't want her to lose sleep over this.

"Not necessary, really, everything is fine now, see you tomorrow okay?♡"

Since you didn't received an answer you got worried, and the next thing you see is a floating silhouette outside your window. Dash, all ponied up, was there.

You opened the window to let her in.

—Dashie... —You called her reproachfully but still smiling, as much as it makes you happy to see her, she should already be sleeping.

—Don't "Dashie" me babe, where's the evil magic?! —She asks assuming a fighting pose and standing in front of you protectively.

—How'd you know it was magic? —You asked surprised, you never mentioned magic in your message.

EQUESTRIA GIRLS Human Rainbow Dash x Fem Reader [ONE SHOTS]ִ Where stories live. Discover now