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Title: THE FAVOR 3/3
Warning: None.

Next day Rainbow got up early, it was obvious that she had more urgency than ever to get out of the house today. It's not like she's running late for work, she just doesn't want to run into Zephyr or his parents.

Rainbow made her way to the shower after placing her sports uniform on the bed. I followed her with the intention of joining her shower and saving water... plus I hate waiting.

As I entered the bathroom I caught her taking off her clothes. She took the edge of her pajama top and lifted it over her head. Despite looking skinny if you don't pay much attention to her, all the physical activity and exercise without rest have paid off, she has a very toned back. In fact, she's got also muscular arms and legs, and I can testify that she is indeed quite strong.

-Oh I didn't see you there! -She exclaimed noticing my presence.

-Can I join you? -I asked. She immediately smiled, and it was enough to know she is okay with it.

After a few minutes we were both sitting in the bathtub facing each other in silence. We both probably have the same thing in mind... Zephyr's family.

The moment we were done getting ready, Rainbow poked her head slightly out of the frame of the room.

-Okay, the coast is clear, babe. We have to go before they wake up!

-Pff haha, this is just like in that movie that... -She covered my mouth with her hand and whispered.

-Sorry hun, but I think I heard them, we need to get out of here now!

She took my hand and we snuck out of the house. Once outside the house we ran to her motorcycle on our way to her work, of course she'd drop me off at mine before.

Rainbow parked outside the building and waited patiently for me to come down.

-What time is your break? -She asked.

-Around ten.

-Would you like me to take you to that Italian food restaurant we went to last week?

I smiled, she's so sweet.


-Alright, see ya babe. -She said and gave me a pick.


My work may be exhausting, but it's worse to think that when we return home Dash's fake in-laws will be waiting for us along with Mr. Lie. At my break, Rainbow picked me up just in time.

-Hey, beauty. Ready to go?

-You know it.

It was a short drive before reaching the restaurant, just a few minutes. We arrived the place, it is cute, the food is pretty good and the atmosphere relaxing. It honestly helps me forget about work exhaustion and the craziness of my everyday life. Yes, I'm talking about you Zephyr.

-I don't want to have to deal with Zephyr tonight. -Speaking of which, Rainbow started complaining.

-Yea, me neither.

-To be honest, I miss our privacy. -She added, giving me a suggestive look. I started blushing.

-Is that the only thing you think about? -I asked covering my flushed face with my palms. She took my hands in hers and pulled them away from my face.

-I like to openly flirt with you. You have adorable reactions, plus having the house for just the two of us enjoying each other's company without other people and their worries or problems is a huge bonus. Besides, I never said I missed other activities or stuff... -She smiled mischievously. -So what were you thinking, huh?

EQUESTRIA GIRLS Human Rainbow Dash x Fem Reader [ONE SHOTS]ִ Where stories live. Discover now