The boat house

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Everything up until arriving at the boat house was an anxious blur of running and scratches. We were now hidden under a tarp inside a boat both exhausted from running. We were pressed against each other. "In any other circumstance this would be very hot." I joked. I could feel him slightly laugh. "Yeh but right now were likely wanted for murder. Especially since my uncle would be back by now." His usual Hectic energy was low replaced by fear. I didn't really know what to do so instead just wrapped my arms around him and dragged my nails up and down his back. A comforting action. Thankfully he lent into it.

"I a used to have the biggest crush on you," He began to admit," but you were so much better than me. And I have always been this freak. I guess that isn't important right now." He released a pathetic laugh. "Honestly if I wasn't so in denial of my sexuality then. I think I would've like you to."

"So you really are one of the wierdos huh." (Reminder this is the 1980s.) "Yeah. One of gods sins. Doomed to hell." I pity laughed. "This is a weird conversation for right now isn't it." I huffed. "A little but what else are we supposed to do. Sit here in silence."

We talked for a while. About our lives. I told him everything. How I was disowned after my family found out. At least they had the hearts not to tell the world. And how I scraped by. About my shitty job. His story was painfully similar. His family kicked him out after he failed school twice and was held back. How his uncle took him in but they never got along. We eventually got to the topic of music. Us talking in whispers about metal bands. And how he had already memorised Metallica's new song despite it being out 2 weeks. I called him a nerd and he just laughed. Everything felt normal for a while.

Until morning came. We had both fallen asleep but I woke when I heard the door open. "What makes you think they'll be here?" A male voice asked. "Eddie said this was his secret space." A younger voice returned. I was in survival mode. I poked Eddie careful not to shift the tarp. He opened his eyes completely still. He slowly pulled a knife from his pocket. Someone poked the tarp with an ore. The second stab I grabbed it and harshly yanked it away as Eddie jumped out. Pinning the person down knife to his throat. I now wielded the ore as a weapon. Ready to attack. "EDDIE! Eddie its me Dustin!" His attention snapped to Dustin his knife still against the other persons throat. "We are not here to hurt you. This is Steve he's here to help. We know you didn't do it." I dropped the ore recognising Harrington and Dustin. "Sorry you can probably tell we are a little on edge." I hissed. "Yeh. The whole accused of murder thing. But we know you didn't do it." Eddie finally backed down and retreated back to me. There were two others one being robin the other was the kid who saw us. "Who's she." I demanded pointing at the kid. "This is max. She's a friend." Dustin was talking to us like we were wild animals. "She is the person who saw us leave the trailer. How do I know its not her fault we are accused of murder." I growled. "Because she wouldn't." And they expect me to trust her just like that. They then began to explain some unbelievable shit. Something called the upside down a parallel world to ours which is infested with monsters. The gates had been sealed but something must be attacking. It would explain the super natural things happening. And it was obvious of Eddies trust in Dustin.

But Dustin seems alright so far and Eddie seems to take his word. They gave us a walkie talkie to keep contact before leaving shortly after promising a food delivery. We were both pretty on edge but most of the tension left with them. "That was terrifying." I admitted. He nodded. We sat in silence for a while.

"Do you think I would have killed him." He asked sounding unsure of himself. "Steve. Not unless he was threatening us. Even then I don't think so." He nodded. "You were pretty metal back there. You know disarming him."

"Yeah I was." He smiled at my cocky response. "Ah so Mr popular is back." He mocked. "Oh my god I really was so full of myself back then." He agreed. "Hey but at least you stood up for me."

"Full of myself but not an asshat." "Exactly. Pretty good deal." He agreed. "Still I wish I were nicer. You know, to you. Treating you as a human was really bottom line." He gave me a sad look. "It was better than anyone else did," He stood up," I have always been Eddie the FREAK!" He exclaimed," The unlovable. The hated. The demon child." He said dramatically before doing devil horns and sticking his tongue out. Which was weirdly attractive and I think he could tell I found it attractive. "But it seems like someone likes the freak now huh." He said his words filled with life and dramatic arm movements as he walked back towards me. He put his arms either side of me trapping me in but not leaning towards me at all. He cocked his head to the side his curls falling down. He waited for me to say something. But I didn't know what to say. I knew him when we were younger. But not now. We were both different. What if I'm not what he remembers. "And what if you right?" I asked challenging him," What if the so called freak is one of the most genuine people I know. The kindest person I know."

"We might be talking about a different freak." He said backing away. I grabbed him and pulled him back to me. "No. I just don't think he sees himself how I do."

And he kissed me. It was only short but so painfully him. I could feel his excitement and his hectic energy build. "Kinda gay." I said once he pulled back. He laughed at me. "It would be super awkward right now if it wasn't." He joked with a grin. I pulled him against me again kissing him. Before pulling away and putting my head on his shoulder. Just enjoying the moment.

"Its weird. That this is the happiest I've been in a while." I said into his jacket. "Honestly same."

A Good Ending (Eddie Munson x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now