Are you in there?

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A loud throbbing echoed through my ears. I felt like I had been asleep for weeks but my body ached like I had just ran for hours on end. I felt so wrong.

I was laid down but my arms were pinned behind me unnaturally and my legs were bond together. "Hello?" I called out my voice coming out scratched. My mouth felt full. Like I had extra teeth that were all in the way. I ran my tongue along them the surface jagged, sharp. I finally opened my eyes and the room looked wrong. For a second I felt like I was back there. The room was discoloured but still painfully my room.

I struggled against the bindings. They felt weakly tied, like whoever had done it was scared to hurt me as they easily came loose. Allowing me to free myself. I stumbled upright, my legs still numb, adrenaline fueling me. I swayed on my feet but staggered to the door anyway. Quietly I opened it hearing the familiar sound of the people I had come to know well. I stepped towards the staircase only to be overcome by the feeling of liquid crawling up my throat.

I rushed to the bathroom black liquid pouring out of me. I couldn't breath as I felt something squirm up my throat. I could feel it move. Thee feeling subsided as I dragged myself to my feet and over to the sink. I splashed water onto my face and glanced up to my reflexion.

And the face staring back at me was not me. It couldn't be. Their eyes were glossed over with a black liquid which dripped down like stained tears. The substance was also pouring out of his ears and mouth. The teeth scared me the most. I dragged my tongue across the teeth, they were all sharpened, like fangs. No not like fangs, they were fangs. Like I was some kind of vampire.

I mean Demogorgon's, The Mind Flayer are vampires really that much of a push.

But it makes no sense. I was just in the woods and I was sat against the tree. I saw their lights and I passed out. Then I woke up here tied up.

Oh god what happened for me to be tied up. I could feel my panic rising as I tried to rationalise what happened to me. But there was no clues. I couldn't remember anything.

"GUYS!" Someone called, "HES GONE." There was a lot of noise echoing through the house. I could hear a gun cock. "No you wont need that." Eddie. "And how can you be so sure." Nancy. He didn't reply to that. How can I hear that.

I was so panicked I didn't know what to do. I could run but where would I go. But why would I need to run, other than Nancy who is seemingly fully prepared to shoot me.

Before I could even think of what to do the door to the bathroom opened. I was half hunched over like a predator faced by a terrified boy. Mike. (I hate Mike >:()

"Yn. I know your in there. I need you to stay calm." He was emphasising his words like how you talk to a dog. "Why are you talking to me like that. And stay calm? Your sister is armed and ready to shoot me." My voice was still raspy but it was me. "Yn? Your actually you right now?" That felt like a stupid question. "How could I not be me." I asked a growl forcing its way into my speech.

"Do you not remember. You know you kinda tried to kill us all!"

"I would not try to kill my friends." My anger was spiking. I could feel an itch in my bones. Like a desperate need to rip his throat out with my teeth. I was panting, the thick liquid dripping out my throat. "Well you did!" He said back in that annoying stupid voice. I grabbed the child by his shirt pushing him into the wall behind him, out into the hallway. I growled in his face the black blood splattering onto him.

"Let him go." The voice came out stern and was followed by a bang. A gun shot. There was no time for me to react as it tore into my arm. I yelled out as I dropped the boy to the floor. He shuffled across the floor to his sister who reloaded to shoot again. Oh my god. I'm going to die. "Wait stop." Eddie said pushing her arms down moving the gun away from me. "Eddie what are you doing." Nancy argued back fighting against him to aim the barrel back at me. "Look at him. LOOK."

I was shitting myself right now. And it must have been obvious as she lowered the gun. "He's not the same as last night." He turned away from arguing with Nancy to look at me. "Yn?" He said it like a question. "Eddie." I said back. "He didn't talk last night." He reasoned as he approached me with little hesitance while everyone else looked like they were waiting for me to pull him apart. Whereas he approached with open arms, which I lent into.

It took a while, but we got to a point where I was explained what happened.

I saw the damage I had done. Jonathan couldn't use his arm because I ripped a chunk out. And I had pierced Elevens throat with my nails. I almost killed a child. And now I was sat in the room with them curled up into myself as they were desperately trying to figure out what happens next.

I got up and everyone's eyes flicked to me. "I'm just going to get food." I felt like a prisoner in my own home as they monitored my every move.

I dug through the cupboards which were mostly empty so I decided to just eat cereal. I poured the bowl and hoisted myself to sit on the counter. I stared at it for a moment before spooning some into my mouth. I gagged at the taste rushing to the sink to spit it up. What the fuck was that. My head was still spinning. I decided to step outside for a while.

Why am I covered in blood...

leaning into the good old vampire stuff. But not really a vampire because how would that fit aha.

A Good Ending (Eddie Munson x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now