Grand Theft Auto

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We watched as Henderson tied together anything he could find to make a rope. As Lucas and Max dragged through the mattress. "Those stains are uh... I don't know what those stains are." Eddie said. "Uh huh sure." I said taking the piss.

"Not quite sure how these physics are going to work," Dustin admitted," But uh.. here goes nothing." He threw the makeshift rope up or well down? It was welded to the ceiling. "There we go." He said proud of his work, "And id my theory is correct." He released it and it stayed suspended. "Abracadabra. Alright pull on it see if it holds!" He yelled up or down. This is confusing. Robin pulled on it and grunted in effort. It didn't move. "Guess I'm the guinea pig," Robin said as she hoisted herself up. As soon as she entered the real world again her gravity flipped and she plummeted down. Nancy and Steve looked at us so I pushed Eddie forward towards the rope.

He fell a lot harder and sprung back up. "That was fun." HE said surprised. I followed after him and I could feel my organs flip as I fell. Eddie offered his hand and hoisted me up. "Wow okay." I said slightly disorientated. He was smiling and then I was. Steve offered Nancy up first but she froze at the bottom. And for the third time I saw it.

Her eyes were rolled back and she was unresponsive to Steve's desperate yelling.

"Steve said you need to hurry!" Erica yelled as she ran in. We were all ransacking Eddie room looking for music. "We are trying we cant find anything." One of them commented. "Seriously what even is all this shit!" Robin yelled. "What are you even looking for." Asked Eddie alarmed by all the people going through his room. "Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles? Music! We need music!" She yelled distressed. Eddie picked up a discarded cassette. "This is music!" He yelled pissed holding a metal album.

There was more yelling and panic as Eddie room held nothing but metal, which the others discarded as not music. When she woke on her own we were all relived. Me mainly because I didn't have to see my third corpse this week. We all gathered in the living room as Nancy told us what she had seen while Vecna was in her mind. "He showed me things," She began," The most awful things. I saw a dark cloud spreading over Hawkins. Downtown on fire. Dead soldiers." Everyone was listening in a chilling silence. Me, Eddie and Steve all sat opposite her but she avoided eye contact. Her discomfort was infectious. "I saw this giant creature with... a gaping mouth. And this creature wasn't alone. There were so many monsters.... an army. And they were coming into Hawkins into our neighbourhoods. Our homes. And then he showed me my mom," Her voice began to brake as she became tearful. Distressed. "And Holly. Mike. And they.. they were all." She cut herself off breathing shakily unable to continue.

"Okay, but.. he's just trying to scare you Nance." Steve said trying to calm her," Right I mean, its not real."

"Not yet. But there was. There was something else. He showed me gates. Four gates. Spreading across Hawkins. And these gates they looked like the ones outside of Eddie's trailer... but they didn't stop growing." Eddie had pulled his arm up to lean on his hand listening closely as I lent forward my arms crossed. "This wasn't the upside down Hawkins. This was our Hawkins. Our home." Everyone looked anxious as the new findings settled over the group.

I just wanted to go home. See my cat. Be in my room. Be safe.

"Four chimes." The red one said. "Vecnas clock. It always chimes 4 times. Four exactly. He's been telling us his plan this whole time."

"Four kills." Said Lucas, "Four gates." He looked over to the red one in fear," End of the world."

"If that's true he's only one kill away." Dustin said the words truly settling in.

"Oh Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ." Eddie said panicked rubbing his face with his hands. I put my hand on his leg for support but had nothing to say. What do you even say at the end of the world. When he looked back up to me he looked so hopeless. So different to who he is. "I really don't know what to say but I'm here. And I'll stay as long as you need." I whispered to him rubbing his leg lightly.

They were trying to call someone as I supported the freaking out man. I didn't care what they were doing anymore. I kind of accepted that this was how it was going to be. I mean we all die what's a little earlier.

"Vecna can't hurt them. Not if he's dead." Nancy said grimly. What. Did she really want to kill the guy who can enter peoples minds is she insane.

"We have to get back in there. Back to the upside down." She said determination rising. "Okay Im sorry to point this out but I kinda got mauled last time we were there. How do you expect us to even get near him." My wounds still weren't dressed but I didn't have much to do about that. I cant go to the hospital. And I need stiches likely and this bandage is dirty as hell. If we could get back to my house though I have my mothers kit. She's a nurse so has way more medical things.

"Well we weren't prepared. But this time we will be. We will get weapons and protection. We'll go through the gate, we'll fins his lair, and we'll kill him."

"Or he will kill us. The only reason you survived is because he wanted you to."

"Oooo mum and dad are fighting." I whispered my head feeling light. Now that I have though about it that wound was pretty deep. I brought my hand to it and when I pulled it away it was soaked. "Oh shit." Eddie said. Then everything got fuzzy.

When I awoke shirtless with a needle in me I was a little alarmed. I panicked but was thankfully held down before I threw hands with the literal child who was sewing me up. "Calm down." Someone told me.

"How did no one know his injuries were this bad."

"I don't know he seemed fine."

"Well now he's not." Someone else answered angry. They were the one holding me.

I was being half dragged by Steve when I woke and I felt a lot less shit. "Hey there?" I asked confused. Someone had put a hoodie on me hiding my face as we were now outside. I started walking on my own only to be jump scared by Michael Mires. "Welcome back." He joked, Eddie voice coming from within. He was leading the group and I now walked with him. "What are we doing. I may have missed a few things." I joked back. "Well I am getting us a vehicle." We stopped behind a caravan and he slid open the back window. He saluted to me with a smile before hoisting himself up and falling face first into the seating. He stuck his arm out of the window for me and pulled me up.

I followed him to the front as he locked the door on the way. He sat down and started messing with wires. "When did you learn to hotwire a car." I asked while leant on the back of his chair watching over his shoulder. "Well while other father were teaching there kids how to fish or play ball my old man was teaching me how to hotwire." He said his Eddie charm returning. "Kinda hot." I said watching him wrapping wires around one another. He laughed, "I know when am I not."

Steve and Robin approached the front and we stopped. "Eddie I'm not sure I love this idea of you driving." Robin said nervous.

"Oh I'm starting this sucker. Ln's got her. Don't yah big boy."

"You know I do baby." The engine came to life and the family outside began to yell. "HEY open this door."

We grinned at one another and swapped places the other looking for seats Eddie holding onto the back of mine as I pressed down the accelerator. The car lunged forward as everyone yelled at me to drive.

"Shit they looked pissed." Dustin said. "Well its not everyday you lose your car and your house in one fowl swoop." Robin added.

"Hold on kids!" I yelled as I pulled the sharp corner.

I could see Eddie head banging behind me in the mirror and found myself laughing at the insanity of the situation.

A Good Ending (Eddie Munson x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now