The Hunted

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It felts so weird now. I was so happy. But also terrified for my life. We were still leaning into one another when the radio went off. "Hey guys its Dustin." Eddie picked up the Radio not moving. "Yes we know what do you want." Eddie said back in his over dramatic way. "Just a heads up that well uh. The police are now hunting you guys. As well as Jason." I curled my hands into fists in his jacket.

"BUT good news. No-one knows where you are yet so don't worry."

"Yeh yet." I said in annoyance.

"We are working on it. Just keep a down low okay. And definitely don't leave the Boat house."

We were alone for a while just sat in each others company fearing for our lives. When we heard a car pull up we both jumped like cornered pray. We both backed as far out of view as possible. Eddie unsheathed his knife and we waited. When the door swung open to reveal Henderson's stupid face I was more than relived. "Food delivery!" He said with his usual joyous tone. Its like this kid is walking comic relief. I hadn't noticed that Eddie had his arm Infront of me in his protective stance until he relaxed it. Deeming it safe. They brought us basically a load of crap. But its not like we would have means to cook anyway. "So we have a plan to prove your innocence," started Henderson. "All we need to do is kill Vecna."

"You say that like its going to be easy." I said in annoyance. "Well It will be more difficult now that 11 lost her powers but we can do this." I got lost at the powers part. But in short he had no real plan. They then left again.

I decided to sleep for as long as possible. I needed energy for when everything inevitably goes to shit.

Nothing happened for a while. Talking about random shit. Trying to waste the time. When we heard wheels for the second time today we panicked again. Eddie looked out the window and panicked more. "Its Jason. There's a lot of them and their armed." He said fearful. There was a boat already in the water tied up. If we could untie it we could leave quickly. Eddie was desperately asking for help on the radio but was met by silence. I was fighting with the rope. There was a loud knocking on the door, which changed to someone trying to break it down. The rope abruptly came free. "Eddie get in!" I yelled at him as I prepared to push off.

He actually threw himself in as I started rowing. When the door flung open we were still to close. They Jason and a goon jumped in after us. I rowed with more aggression as we moved further and further until we reached the center of the lake and these athletic shits kept up. Jason grabbed onto the boat causing Eddie to fall off. I smacked him with the ore until he lost grip. Then I saw his friend. His eyes rolled back. I cant see this again. He lifted from the water. I took the moment of Jason's fear to drag Eddie back on the boat before continuing to row away from the mangled corpse and distraught survivor.

We docked near skull rock so hid there. My heart was racing. Overwhelming anxiety strangling me. Yet my focus was not myself. "Are you alright. Come here." I demanded pulling him in checking him over. He stopped me and just kissed me. I could feel his fear mingling with relief. "I'm alright. Just shaken." He rested his forehead against mine. A strangely calm act for such a chaotic man.

We hid under the skull rock our bodies intertwined as we waited for the radio to reply. Finally we were greeted with a response. A very relived Dustin demanding to know where we were. They then said they were setting off to get us.

When the group arrived Dustin announced his theory. "There has to be a gate under the water." And somehow we ended up returning to the lake we nearly survived death from to find this apparent gate. We split into teams. Adults on the boats. Kids far from danger on land being look out. When we were above the gate everyone seemed hesitant to jump in. "Hey fuck it the faster this is done the faster we can leave right." Is said getting up removing my shirt," And I'm a great swimmer." Before the group could begin there obvious protests. I made a peace sign before dramatically falling in.

Before I was far down I could see a glowing. Like a fire trapped under water. When I was close enough I noticed how fleshy it was. Yep this is it. I pushed myself off the bottom on the lake and back up to the surface. When I broke the tension I was met with worried faces. "So this gate. Is it like fleshy. Because I'm pretty sure-" something pulled my leg hard and I dipped under. It pulled me again dragging me all the way in. I was pulled through the skin seal of the gate and air invaded my lungs. And I had momentary peace before these bat like creatures attacked me. (I don't think I can write this scene and have the same gorgeous effect so cue the clip of Steve vs bats but its you.)

I bit through the last bats head spitting the chunk out. I was gasping for air my throat now hoarse and a ring of bruises forming from that god damned bat. The two girls were checking on Steve who got bitten pretty bad. I mean I'm in significantly worse shape but I get it. There his friends and I'm just some stranger. "Yn. Are you alright." Eddie asked fearful. "Yeah I'm fine. Just lost like a pound of flesh you know everyday things." I joked pitifully. He smiled at me still concerned. "Well that was pretty Ozzy Osborn of you." He joked trying to lighten his concerns. "I know I'm the most attractive man alive right now. Minus the bat blood." I said spitting out all the blood I could. "Here have this. For your modesty." Eddie said removing his jacket and giving it to me. "Thanks."

"Guys we need to go." On of the others said drawing our attention to the swarm of bats approaching.

A Good Ending (Eddie Munson x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now