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Jonathan and Eddie struggled to get Dustin through the portal. He was bleeding out. He had long lost consciousness. Jonathan was holding himself together compared to the metal head who was on the edge of a complete melt down. One of his closest friends was barely clinging to life his boyfriend was no where to be seen. He knew this wouldn't end well.


"Okay the house is just up ahead. Is everyone ready." Nance asked. Robin and I followed behind her 11 and Mike hanging close behind. For once I wished I could have stayed as the babysitter. I won't lie. There is no way we can win this. 5 kids against a super villain. "Steve are you alright?" Robin asked me hushed, she always knew. "Oh I'm fine." She knew I lied but didn't press it. I told her everything. She was the only person I had come out to. She knew I was panicking.

"Nance can we go over the plan once more." She asked for me in the final trek. "Of course. Vecna is going to be controlling Yn so he will be in a trance. Me, you and Steve Will be attacking with fire and our weapons if he we need to. 11 will be fighting him and Mike you stay back. Your only here if 11 needs you." She said the last part sternly. It is sweet how much she cares about him. (completely unrelated but the urge to make Steve crush on Yn and/or Eddie.)

"Guys?" Mike asked looking around again. "I think its back..."

The skittering throughout the forest confirmed this. The creature slowly reappeared. "Is it just me or is it smaller. Like I know that's not important right now but it was definitely bigger before right." Robin began to ramble. "Yes it was." I confirmed.


A clicking came from within me as I stalked my friends. My wings were puffed up and tail trailing behind me. It felt like I had been like this forever. It felt to natural. Yet I was fully aware of the foreign parts on my body. The wings. I had wings. The urge to tear them from myself was over whelming. But the promise that he wouldn't hurt Eddie or Dustin anymore was unfortunately more important to me than myself... or the people I had come to think of as friends.

And now the whispering in my head was demanding I kill them. The urge felt like a tug in my chest, drawing me towards them. My tail whipped impatient as I put off my attack. The other creature was waiting for me. They had spotted it and they stared each other down. I began to make my move and it reacted like it knew my thoughts. I went for Steve. He was closest to me.

My tail wrapped around his neck and squeezed. He fought against me trying to reach the bat in the bag in his back. I grabbed his arms and dug my claws into his flesh. "This will be easier if you just let it happen Stevie boy." I growled as he hit me in the stomach. My air was snatched from my chest and I coughed up a stream of blood. "Is that all you've got." He challenged now wielding his bat. I smiled through bloody lips. "Oh honey that was nothing." My wings extended out as I swung at him again. The punch landed then he was toppled by my wing. My tail snaked around his leg while he was down, as I lifted myself from the ground. I smiled down at him as he flailed now suspended in the air.

A sharp yelp from the other creature, drew my attention away from Steve and to the group. Eleven had her hand pointed at me and an over whelming fear filled me. Then my vision flickered almost.

I woke up. If you could call it that. Away from the group with a slightly bloodied Steve. He wasn't conscious but I knew they would be coming to save him. Or they left him. I hope for the first option.

As I looked at his bloodied body I felt an over whelming feeling of remorse for what I had done. I could pretend that I didn't care for them but I had know Steve longer than anyone else. I was on of the kids in school who was madly in love with him. You could imagine my panic when I found out I would work with him. But right now I needed to stop his bleeding. I tore a good portion of my shirt and tied it around the bite marks in his arm. I could taste his blood.

I smacked his face lightly. "Steve? Harrington?" I pulled back my arm and slapped him harshly, "Wake up Harrington." He opened his eyes slightly and looked up at me. "Yn? What..?" His confusion was evident then it also hit me. Where was that murderous tug from before. Had they maybe got to him and he couldn't focus on me?

I couldn't tell you. But I can tell you that if I don't get Steve some medical attention he would bleed out. "Okay Steve. This isn't going to be fun," I said lifting him bridal style. In other circumstances this would be hilarious. "Hang on." I spread open my wings and was met with a spike of pain. The little shit had torn my wing. I fought through it and respread my wings. That still feels wrong to say. And I flew Steve back to the trailer. All I could hope is that Eddie and Jonathan wouldn't try and attack me, or that they had tried to be heroes.

This is feeling very word vomity sorry. Also a Detroit become human reference ;)

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