The Hive

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A different song was playing now. An all to familiar song. I had heard Eddie listen to it a thousand times. I could almost imagine us at home him yelling the words while bouncing around as I watched trying to read and failing horribly. He would always drag me up to to dance with him if you could even call it that.

I don't remember getting here, but this was my room. What happened to the woods. Did I pass out and someone brought me back. But the eerie silence lead me away from that hope. Along with the music I couldn't hear but feel. Like it was rattling through my skull. I didn't quite know what to do. I didn't know if I was safe or if I should try to escape.


My head snapped to the voice in the empty room. A whisper in the silence which had no body.

"Yn... yn yn yn yn yn yn." The voice grew to many as they became unbearable. I covered my ears and was met with a sticky substance. I pulled my hand away in shock which was now coated in a black substance.

Yn was laid against the tree blood pouring from his ears. 11 was sat Infront of him, his hand in hers as she attempted to enter his mind. But she couldn't. When she tried she was met by blurred memories, like they were veiled hidden. "He won't let me in." She whispered as she stood in the inky abyss. "Red could you hear still while Vecna was in your mind." Eddie asked his panic infectious.

"Uh yeah I could. It was like a fracture I could see and hear everyone. Like I was watching it happen." She rambled attempting to explain the experience. "So he could hear me if I talked to him." He asked again with more aggressive hand movements. "Yes he should."

Eddie grabbed Yns hand in his rubbing his thumb against his knuckles, "Yn... please if you can hear me listen. You need to let 11 in."

The darkness lit up slightly, few memories lighting up but enough. "I can see. Keep talking." Little moments of the two invaded the space, and the one Infront of her held the distressed soul. He was screaming keeled over, black oozing from his ears, mouth, eyes. The room was flickering between the upside down and the real world. The creature was slowly approaching extending his arm out opening his hand. "Join me." He asked.

"Step away from him." She yelled. Putting her own hand up copying Vecnas motions. He cocked his head to look at her. "Little Eleven. You won't win again." He told her with a steady voice. His confidence shocking. "I will win over and over until you are dead."

"But how will you win against your friend." He questioned as Yn fell to the floor into the puddle of oozing liquid.

Yns eyes snapped open focused ahead blindly. He lurched forward into 11 forcing her from her trance. "Yn what are you doing?" Someone questioned. He pinned her down and she struggled against him. Something was evidently different. He pressed down on her throat on one hand the skin splitting against his finger tips. Nancy moved first and Johnathan joined grabbing at him pulling his thrashing body away. He was coughing up more of the liquid, as it poured from his eyes glazing over them.

They were struggling to keep him down. "WHATS HAPPENING?" Eddie yelled as his partner was acting rabid snarling and gnashing at the others. "I don't think Vecna was trying to open another portal." Dustin yelled over the sound.

He wants 11 dead. And how else to do that than infect her friends. Those she swore to protect. Those who she wouldn't hurt. And it was working as none of them knew what to do. They couldn't hurt him. But to save him they needed Vecna gone.

He thrashed his head towards Jonathan and bit into the arm which was holding him down. He ripped out a decent chunk of his arm sending Jonathan stumbling back. Yn then turned on Nancy but was dragged back by an invisible force. He turned his head to Eleven again hunched over growling. The older group surrounded him as the kids stepped back, except Dustin who refused to let Steve near danger as he hides away. "Yn. Are you in there?" Eddie asked concerned. Drawing attention to himself. The attention of an animal. Another creature added to the hive mind.

Yn stepped towards him. Before his legs buckled and he fell to the floor. In seconds he went from alive and aggressive to face down in the dirt a small black pool forming. Eddie rushed to him ignoring any danger. He rolled the other boy over skittishly looking for a pulse. Then a breath of relief.

"He's alive." Eddie announced with a shaky voice while shifting Yn onto his lap so he could make sure he was safe. "He's also dangerous. We need to tie him up." Mike announced. The response to that was mixed, but more agreed than disagreed. "Can you carry him." Nancy asked Eddie who hoisted himself to his feet carrying his Love. "Yeah. Lets go," His voice was pained the idea of treating his partner like a prisoner sickened him. But the risk was so high to argue.

God I hope this makes sense. You can probably guess the inspiration hehe. Also my idea of how yn looks right now (Based of off me as I obviously don't know what you look like :P)

 Also my idea of how yn looks right now (Based of off me as I obviously don't know what you look like :P)

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Also while we're playing show and tell have a wip I'm working on in my complex style ;)

Also while we're playing show and tell have a wip I'm working on in my complex style ;)

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