The start of ending it all

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The board was set.

The characters in place as the story reached its final stretch. 3 enemies remain. Then that's it.

Will our hero's prevail. It seems unlikely.

The team on the aggressive were yet to face any of the dangers ahead. "What happened to all the bats?" Steve asked confused as they walked the path that was now all to familiar to them. "I don't know. Something Is wrong." Nany confirmed. Eleven was behind the 3 adults Mike hung close to her side. The boy had never entered the upside down before despite having faced many of the creatures. The feeling of dread that clings to the place was unfamiliar.

Continuing on with little hesitance they would soon face the creature lurking.


Yn had broken free. The chains lay abandoned on the floor shredded by his new found strength. The other 3 had bolted outside trying to find the few weapons they had to defend themselves from their friend. He snarled chocking up blood as he advances. The familiarity of this situation was uncomforting. A creature attacking Eddie and Dustin.

They closed the door on him gaining a momentary freedom before he sunk his nails into the door. easily pushing it down, Yn flung the door into Jonathan who collapsed and didn't get up.

Tears streamed down Yns face as he advanced on the love of his life, unable to stop the situation as he himself was tied down. Vines slithering around his hands and legs. "Why don't you just give in. Join me." The all to familiar voice asked. He couldn't answer as the vines pressured his air way. But Vecna could tell his answer anyway. "All this power could be yours if you joined me. Be my little soldier." Little soldier. That's what his father would call him. His little solider. The nickname left a sour taste.

"YN!" Dustin yelled. YNs eyes moved to him, waving his arms desperate to maintain his attention. "Eddie figure something out!" He exclaimed as he began to run, Yn on his trail. Their body was oozing the black liquid, he was covered. His face barely recognisable through the sludge.

Eddie rushed back inside, strongly hoping Dustin was fast enough to out run Yn long enough for him to figure something out. His eyes landed on the taser he had left by where Yn was tied up. He snatched it up and flung himself back through the door. He ignored Jonathan who had began to come to again, he had blood down his face. His nose was likely broken. The petrified scream of his friend made a drowning fear settle within him.


"Did you hear that." Robin asked turning her light into the forest. "No. Your probably just nervous." Steve replied. Then she heard the skittering sound again. Nancy then turned to the same place, "No I heard it." She said cautious, raising her gun. Nancy stepped forward slightly looking deeper into the dark. A scream came from behind her as Mike was snatched away. Then the creature was clear. It had three heads with gaping mouths. This is what Vecna had shown her.

It was almost like a dragon. Similar to the mind flayer looked like in its physical form but different. It had wings and was covered in hundreds of tiny heads. "I found the bats." Nancy announced as they moved to run. "Mike!" Eleven yell out. The creature was to big for her to move. She grabbed on of the heads and pulled it off throwing it at the arm which had Mike ensnarled. It let go and she pulled Mike to herself. Nancy shot the creature multiple times as the ran. Yet running wouldn't work.


Yn had his claws deep in Dustins chest as he slashed his arms as Dustin struggled against him. He called out weakly for help as his life was being ripped away. And Yn could do nothing but watch as he tore the kid, no his friend, apart. "If you join me I can spare him." What. He's lying my common sense screamed. "I'm not lying. I will spare you precious boyfriend and this child if you accept this. Stop fighting me."

I woke up. My hands in his chest. His eyes were closed and his breathing light. "Oh shit." I muttered mostly to myself. Then a searing pain through my body pulled my thoughts away from Dustin.

Yn pulled away his body trying to close in on itself as Eddie ran over to the two. He first looked at Yn fighting the urge to go check on them and instead rushed to Dustin. Pressing his fingers to his neck and feeling his pulse. Weak but there. He lifted him and rushed back abandoning his boyfriend who was convulsing on the floor.

"If you relax it will hurt less." The voice sounded ethereal. Echoing in his head. But he knew it was Vecna. His broken screams made it obvious he was not relaxed. The cracking of his bones were unbearable to listen to as he wished he couldn't hear it.


The group continued to run. The creatures footsteps became quieter as they continued before slowing down into a group. "Where did it go." Steve asked quickly glancing around. Nancy and Robin held their guns to the ready while Eleven shielded Mike from further attack. "Why would it just stop."


The two creatures faced each other as the dragons gave up some of its mass to the other. It crawled up his back and fused itself to his spin into so skeletal wings and a boned tail. It looked wrong on a human. Well if he could even be called that anymore.

A lot of perspective jumping sorry. But dear readers we are nearing the end. Its been a good run

A Good Ending (Eddie Munson x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now