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Sat on the kitchen counter, I listened to the conversation which had been going on a while. Like a few hours. Back and forth. 'We need to take the fight to him.' 'Like that went so well last time.' 'We have 11 now.' 'He almost killed her.'

"Oh just shut up." I growled while getting up walking into the living room. "You all need to work together instead of arguing all the time."

"Well I don't see you offering any help," Mike said with slight aggression. "Oh I'm sorry, haven't felt like my help was wanted. I mean unless your cool with me being like this now?" I licked the blood trickling down my face in annoyance. "That's not what I meant," He began slightly moving away as I advanced towards him. "No kid I think I got the message." I was so angry from one little comment. I could kill him. I should. (I hate him so much. For like no reason.)

"Yn. Stop." The voice came stern but it made me stop. Eddie had come back to me trying to kill a kid. I snapped out of my aggressive flash and moved away. "Sorry," I mumbled excusing myself as I retreated upstairs to my room. I sat on my bed in silence for a while a small bit of me waiting for someone to come check on me. But none came.

A small scratch on my window drew my mind from the situation. My smile came naturally as I met the wide eyes of my long time friend. I opened the window and he let himself in purring loudly. "Hello Darwin," I said in a baby voice before gushing over him. He was a main coon with mostly brown fur and white on his stomach. I hadn't seen him much since everything with the upside down started. Honestly I don't think he likes Eddie despite how much that man adores him.

He peacefully sniffed around my room inspecting all of the new things piled up, like Eddie guitar which he would randomly play and the bottles of alcohol left around.

I sat myself back down and tapped my fingers against my knee drawing the curious creatures attention. He patted over and stretched out in my lap allowing me to pet his stomach. He would only ever let me pet his stomach, the once my mother tried and he clawed her.

"Your such a pretty boy," I gushed to him. Its so strange that a cat is the only thing treating me like I'm me. Does he even care that I look so different. The sound of louder purring surprised me, especially when I realised it was coming from me. Darwin lent into the vibrations coming from my chest as I realised this was the first time I felt okay in a while.

Darwin jumped as there was a knock at the door. I didn't reply, yet it opened anyway. "Hey." His voice came softer as he entered our room. "What do you want." I said trying to sound pissed over the soft vibrations coming from my chest. "Im sorry that spoke to you like that." I met eyes with Eddie to see him full of regret. "I didn't want to treat you like they do and I did anyway. I didn't mean to and you don't have to accept my apology." He began to ramble slightly. "Just come here," I cut him off, opening my arms. He smiled. As he approached Darwin hid under the bed.

He lent into me as I messed with his hair. "I know you didn't mean to. I mean I was about to kill Mike." I admitted. "Oh shit. I didn't realise you were actually going to hurt him." He said surprised but not moving away.

"Yeah turns out I have like huge anger issues." I said with a humorless laugh. "Don't worry. We will think of something to help."

We ended up laying down my head on his chest as he drew patterns on my back. Then the god forsaken purring came back. "Oh my god are you purring?" He asked excitement in his voice. "I cant control it okay. Piss off."

"No its cute."

"Go fuck yourself."

"Or you could."

Aye we have smashed 5k reads. A little fluff kinda while I plan the big sads ;)

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