The visions

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little an : we have hit 2k reads :D. Thank you. Im surprised that so many people liked my silly little gay book. Also thank you voters it has been very funny to take the piss outta how slow yall read to my friends <3 (I get notifs everytime lol). But I do appreciate every single one of you genuinely. Anyway have some angst

Now our whole group knew we were gay I felt more myself. Me and Eddie would be more affectionate around them. How ever despite this my life has not been great.

Because I'm going to die.

It was just migraines and then nosebleeds that wouldn't stop. When the clock started I realised what was happening. He was back. We knew he wasn't dead but we hoped for more time. Time to prepare.

I descended the stair wiping the never ending stream of blood onto my sleeves. I was home alone, Eddie was at work and so was my mother. I got to my house phone and paused for a moment. The world was foggy, I grasped the phone and pressed in Dustin's number. "Hello?" His voice cracked through the land line. "Its yn. Code red..." I slurred out. I was loosing to much blood. My eyes rolled back as my grip on the phone loosened. I really hope someone was on there way.


Yn was lay against the wall of their kitchen the phone hanging and blood down the walls and his shirt. The bleeding had stopped and began to dry leaving a crisp layer down his face.

A car could be heard outside and 2 people got out. "Do you have a key?" One asked. "Why would I have a key?" The other asked angrily. Dustin's face peered into the window inline with the kitchen seeing the bloodied person. "Oh shit. Steve break the door." He commanded. "What? I'm not breaking the door."

"Don't be a child. Yn needs help now break the door!"

There was a smash as the window in the door shattered and an arm came through unlocking it.


I woke to a loud smash and something scattering. The front door opened and two people rushed to me. "What happened." One asked his voice warped as the grand father clock stood in the corner. We don't have a grand father clock I though as it rung out.


I coughed up black gunk and reality seemed to flicker. This isn't my home.

Not anymore.

The room was familiar. I had lived here years prior. The walls were decaying and the many posters covering the walls peeling. What's happening. "YN!" A voice yelled. It was all to familiar. My blood pressure spiked as the danger my mother promised me protection from was back. Why now, why was this memory resurfacing.

He was banging on the door and the flimsy lock was barely hanging on. I got to my feet fueled by skittish energy as I rushed to the window blindly clawing at the lock. The soft click of the window gave me a moment of fleeting hope as the lock gave in. His face was blurred but I could feel the anger. "Were you out with that fa**ot today again?" He demanded as I still tried to pull up the window my back to him. "You will look at me when I talk to you boy." The lump in my throat made me feel like I was suffocating. I know what happens next. "No I wasn't." I lied through my teeth. "Are you lying to me." He said approaching his one hand clenching the bottle the other tightening into a fist.

When he raised his fist all my muscles locked in place as I awaited the blow.


I jolted up right scrambling to get away from the person trying to calm me. I felt all to in control now as I kicked at the figure. My head was still pounding as they spoke to me their voice unclear, but male. "Yn its okay its me." I kicked him in his abdomen and he fell backwards.

"Woah Yn its me its Dustin." Another one tried. I know Dustin. "Its alright none of it was real." He had his hands out like I was a wild animal. My blind panic melted away as I grounded myself. "Im sorry im so sorry," I began to ramble to Eddie who I'm assuming arrived while I was out. He was holding his stomach pained but still smiled. "Its alright. And your alright."

I didn't feel alright.

Dustin had radioed in the code red and people began to trickle into my house discussing their plans. I retreated to my room the fear from before still very real. I should've know he would use the memory of my father against me. Thankfully that was one of the better ones.

I was left alone for a while and eventually Eddie arrived again and silently looked through my room. "What are you looking for." My throat burning from the blood earlier. "I need you Walkman." He responded his voice soft and filled with hesitance. I'm pretty sure that max didn't attack her boyfriend after her visions.

I can tell he wanted to ask what it was about. I don't know if I should tell him. But I trust him. "It was about my father.... the vision thing. That's why I reacted like that. I really didn't mean to hurt you." my voice broke like I was going to cry. And I though I might. He sat next to me leaving some room. "Its alright I get it. I also had a pretty shitty dad. So I get it." I let myself lean on him and he wrapped his arm around me kissing my head.

We sat for a while before he spoke up again, "What's your favorite song?"

Up and down by the vengaboys.

Ill pick a song for next time as I know like no 80s songs ;) Also sorry for the low key angst im going to build it up to the big stuff

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