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Its been two days since the upside down and we had been visited by people who were government. Dustin assured us they were real and they ran down the situation. Our names were cleared legally as the whole thing was attempted to be covered. They made lies even I wouldn't believe but it was good enough to convince the police. Yet public opinion was still our greatest enemy.

Today people were going to the School to give supplies and clothing to those who lost there homes in the 'Earth Quakes'. Which in reality was the earth splitting open due to portals from hell but whatever. I volunteered to go with Dustin and Eddie desperately tried to come along. Which I had to remind him multiple times that he was injured. Which he was having none of repeatedly demonstrating how he could walk around. We worked to a compromise. I agreed he could come as long as he stayed by me and avoided conversation.

I grabbed my keys and hesitated before we left. "Are you sure you are alright to come." I asked for the 5th time. "I'm fine. The world has been without me to long nn." He said with the typical Eddie charm. I nodded hesitantly as he followed me out the door.

He was wearing a borrowed hoodie against his protests to cover his face as much as possible. He did look wrong in a hoodie his hair didn't sit right but it was still cute to see him in my clothes. I opened his door for him as he awkwardly sat down the pain in his abdomen still obvious. My wounds were largely healed now so hopefully soon he will be back to his full chaotic self.

I slipped the key into the ignition and the engine roared to life. The radio began to blast 'Ride the lightning' by Metallica. Eddie face lit up as the familiar song came on. He was singing along to the song as I drove grinning. It was amusing when he was mimicking playing the guitar. He moved his fingers like the guitar was really there.

When we arrived at the school I spotted Dustin who was obviously waiting for us. I got out first and rushed around the other side to help us the still wounded man. He followed close behind like I requested and stayed quiet yet I could still feel his unusual energy. "Dustin!" I yelled getting his attention. His head snapped to us and his face lightened up. He waved and rushed over. "Hi! Steve and Robin are here already so we can head straight in." He said already leading the way. He limped as he walked which upset me greatly. I hadn't even bothered to check he was alright in my panic the other day.

I followed his inside and I could feel the eyes on us. I was right. Everyone still blamed us as I expected. But instead of aggression we were met with fear. The room is filled with those who have had less fortune, who are currently unable to protect themselves. Well now they understand how I felt. How we felt being freaks.

We approached the table looming behind the bubbly Dustin. I can only imagine how intimidating we must seem. Like two guard dogs protecting a kitten. "Hi. We would like to volunteer." The woman didn't look up. "Go around back and dish out water and offer help." She also motioned to a volunteer badge pile. We all took one and we split off from Dustin.

Few people accepted our help. Those who did didn't recognise us. They thanked us for spending our time on them. I even helped dress some wounding and checked on those who were hurt. It felt nice to help but it didn't last long. (For this Jason didn't get sliced in half... unfortunately). I was helping someone who attended the school. His leg got damaged during the earth quake so I was making a makeshift cast. Wrapping a bandage around a stick the same length as his shin. "That's not to tight?" I asked he nodded.

"Thank you." I smiled at the boy. "You welcome. Avoid walking on it and it should heal alright."

I was rather worn out now and my cuts were aching. "We should take a break." I said turning around to see no-one. Oh shit. Shit. Where is he? I scanned the room frantically and caught sight of someone practically being dragged out back. I could feel my anger flourish as I weaved my way through the lines of beds. I flung open the door and there he was. Held down by two boys with a mildy beaten up Jason lurking above him.

There was a cricket bat left by the door in the holder which I snatched up. I held it behind myself as I approached. Jason kicked him hard in the chest, and Eddie keeled over then was yanked back by the goons. "Hey!" I yelled drawing his attention. I've been told I can look intimidating which came in use now as I continued my approach, eyes dark and shoulders tensed. His goons were in a similar state as he was, and they had a whole lot less bravery.

"Come to protect your little boyfriend." Jason said with a spiteful laugh. "This will be easier if you just back off." I countered my fist tensing on the bat hidden by my form. "What are you going to do? Your just a pathetic, little fa-" And I swung. There was a sharp crack as the bat made contact with his already bruised face. I readied the bat for a second swing and hit him sharp in the stomach. Mirroring where he had hit Eddie. "Maybe consider your opponent may be armed before you provoke them." I spat as he had collapsed onto the floor. The other two were just watching as there leader was surrendering into himself. "Why are you still here." I hissed raising the bat which had blood licked up the side. They ran.

I rushed over to Eddie bat still in hand and adrenalin high. "Are you okay?" I asked concern drenching my words. "That was totally metal." He said with a bloodied smile. I was checking him over, and surprisingly his stomach wounds were alright. However his face was damaged.

Im ill so expect either a lot more or a lot less updates :/

A Good Ending (Eddie Munson x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now