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Under Eddies very shitty guidance I managed to drive us to a literal weapons store called the 'War Zone'. We stayed back as Steve and his kids went in. The place was busy so we sat up back out of view. I was practically lay on him while half asleep. I was so exhausted. And for a few minutes I can feel safe and far away from everything. Eddie began to hum to himself a song I recognised but couldn't name. He seemed content playing with my hair while partially spacing out.

"What you thinking about." I mumbled into his chest. "Just how much I wish we could stay like this." He admitted," Never in my life have I felt like this. No need to fill the silence with my shitty humor." HE laughed slightly. "Your humor is pretty shitty but I like it. And I know what you mean. I usually am so on edge but I like this." He hummed in agreement. I could feel my eyes growing heavy but I refused to let myself sleep through such a tame moment.

When the door flew open to Dustin high tailing I was angry,"Guys we gotta go!"

"Yep," I said getting up sliding past him to the front starting the engine. Once the whole family was in I put my foot to the floor. I didn't know where I was going so aimed for a field near the gate which should be empty. "So~" A newly familiar voice asked," You and Eddie." Dustin.

"What about us." I said with lack of emotion. "Oh I don't know. Just the cuddling." He said smiling," I didn't know you were... " He said not saying the word. "Yes I'm gay." I said waiting for some kinda shit. "I'm so happy for you. I've never seen Eddie so not well Eddie." He said with humor. "Yeh he all relaxed out like a kitten." I joked. He laughed. "IF he heard you say that you would be dead."

I liked talking with Dustin. He was the one talking to me the entire ride until I pulled up. Once we had all exited Steve and Nancy emptied the bags and started setting tasks. Mine was to make sure Eddie and Dustin actually did theirs as there wasn't enough stuff for me to have my own task which was mildly alarming.

Eddie was hammering nails though a trash can lid to make a makeshift shield and I watched him in delight as he had his tongue out in focus. "Just make out already." Dustin said not impressed by my lack of work. "Shut up." I grumbled. "Awh would it really be that bad." Eddie added teasing. "Oh it would be amazing just not Infront of the kids." I replied with a wink. He was mildly flustered and Dustin looked disgusted.

Once the shields were made the boys tested them and they held up. Which then spiraled into them play fighting. Eddie picked him up and he squirmed which was hilarious until I got dragged in for laughing. But I was faster than the small human and ran away from him trying to chase me. He gave up but I was side tackled anyway by someone else. We were a bit away from the group. He had me pinned. "I win." He announced grinning. I grabbed his shoulder and flipped in through a roll. "It doesn't look like that to me." I joked. "You know what I still count this as a win." He said grinning up to me. He grabbed the collar of his jacket I still wore and pulled my face down to his. He kissed me till I was out of breath and was forced to pull away.

I moved to get up and he pulled me back down so he was hugging me his face in my neck. "Clingy much." I joked. "I'm going to be clingy while I can." I knew what he meant. We couldn't be like this around the others. Although Dustin had reacted well so who knows.

Im seeing my partner tomorrow so sorry for short one. But have some gay~

A Good Ending (Eddie Munson x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now