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From here on this will be set out as more one shots as I have many ideas but no idea how to continue plot cough.

My room was crowded with Eddies belongings as he had recently moved in. I was lay down as he was sketching a design for a tattoo. It was his obsession recently. He wanted to tattoo me and I had finally given in, much to his delight. He hummed along to the song playing as he pressed down darker lines. I was hopeful that he was almost finished as he wouldn't let me see it. And I was desperate to see it.

"Are you done yet." I whined, pushing myself up in attempt to see the design. He put his hand on my face and pressed me down, "Do you have no patience." He laughed. "No I do not. Now show me." He smiled at my whiney nature and showed me the mostly finished design. It was a complicated yet simplistic tattoo. It had a similar design to his bats with the silhouette of the Demogorgon. "This looks amazing." I said beaming," I didn't know you were good at art."

He looked embarrassed," And you will tell no one." I mocked crossed my heart, "I swear." He rolled his eyes at me then smiled," I'm glad you like it." I grabbed his face and pulled it to mine and kissed his nose then his cheek, then he grabbed me and kissed me deeply.

About an hour later he had finalised the design and was placing the stencil onto my skin, the purple ink covering my forearm (If you already have on there no you don't). He kissed my shoulder above the stencil before moving himself into a better position to access my arm. He had the black ink balanced precariously and his tattoo gun freshly cleaned. "Okay this may sting a little, but you'll be brave for me wont you sweet heart." I got that usual bubbly feeling when he calls me that nickname. When he placed the needle against my skin it stung lightly but not to bad.

He stopped frequently allowing brakes and littered me with kisses on the surrounding skin as well as holding my face to kiss me more. "Someone's affectionate." I teased. He bit down on my shoulder clear intention to leave a mark. "I just want everyone to know your mine." He laid another few kisses along my arm before pulling away continuing the tattooing process.

This one is short mainly because I drew the tattoo and im still ill ;)

A Good Ending (Eddie Munson x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now