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My arms were coated in the slick liquid. My mouth tasted metallic. But not in a bad way. A mangled creature lay Infront of me. It was small and furred. Oh god. Did I do this.

"Oh my god." I looked up to see Will. "I didn't mean to. I- I swear."

"No its okay," He began while putting his hands up showing he was not threat, "Its alright. I know you didn't mean to." He was so calm. He has been through this before. He was in my position, the mind flayer was using him just like how Vecna is using me. Except I am unpredictable, I have a switch he flips at will that makes me black out aggressive.

I wiped away the blood which plastered my face. "The worst thing is that I like it." I confessed looking at the blood on my hands. I looked back up at him and his demeanor hadn't changed. I like this one. "We are going to have to tell the others about this." He told me.

"Yeah.. I know." I went upstairs to shower before the blood dried. Will said he would talk to the others to figure out what we should do about my new carnivore tendencies. Thank god I got a pass from that conversation. I don't think I could bear how they would look at me.

I turned on the shower letting it heat up as I stripped down. This outfit was unsavable, I threw it in the bin momentarily morning the loss of such amazing clothes.

The water on my skin was relaxing, the first time I had felt relaxed in the past few days. Which was typically ruined by the growing noise downstairs. There was a shit ton of yelling, which if I focused I could hear. But who was who was confusing. "He needs to be contained!"

"Contained?! He's not an animal!"

"Are you so sure! He TORE that cat apart!"

"Like that was his fault. He is still a person." They replied more calm, it was obvious they were smothering anger.

I got out of the shower and dressed quickly before going downstairs. "So what have you decided?" I asked faining ignorance. "Nothing yet." Dustin said moving to stand next to me. Brave child. "Except that I'm an animal who needs to be contained?"

"No. No definetly not. None of us agreed to that." I just nodded anger rising. "I get it. I killed an animal, tore it apart. I have no control." No one else was paying attention to me and Dustin as we were both hidden in the corner. "You can learn control?"

"How would I do that. I don't even understand what's happening to me."

"Well lets start simple," He said smiling kindly, " What do you think triggered you to black out?"

"Well I was hungry. But when I tried to eat I couldn't keep it down."

"So we need to find what you can eat!" He started walking to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He pulled out all the meats in there. Including the raw stuff. He placed it all out and looked at me expectantly. "Well try stuff."

All the cooked stuff made me gag. It just tasted wrong and I tried everything until all was left was raw beef. "I really don't want to," I told him as I held it, disgust on my face. "You have to." I growled quietly before putting it in my mouth. And oh my god. It was amazing. "YES!" He cheered at the small victory. This drew some peoples attention. "What happened?" Steve asked like the worried mother bird he is. "I have solved the killing problem." He announced dramatically revealing me chewing on raw meat.

"The animal is tamed," I joked, "Now go figure out how to kill that fucker because this is grossing me out."

I fell down my stairs today :)

A Good Ending (Eddie Munson x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now